Doctor Handsome

Pollos has multiple locations and multiple trucks, obviously. But putting a bit away for a rainy day might not be such a bad idea, *just in case* something were to unexpectedly happen to Walt…

"I'm gonna haul ass to Lollapalooza!"

I was pretty sure those ladies are dead meat, but drotohou makes a compelling point.

"Does anyone think it's weird that Mike would be put on such lowly guard duty?"

I assume Mike got rid of at least the first one.

The stakes of that coin flip were for her life, friendo.

If they already know the chicken truck routes that run the meth, knowing the blacklight thing isn't too surprising.

ShovelCam was even better than DJ RoombaCam.

^Thank you, Doc Brown.

What? Two meals in one week?

I am a 25 year old powerlifter.

I guess my question mark here is that Victor was clearly Gus's guy, not Mike's. Victor and Mike seemd about equal in the Fring empire, but Mike sounded like he was talking about HIS sidekick.

Hank: "What kind of laundry is filled with sullen triggermen and liquefied Mexicans at 1 in the morning?"
Gus: "Uh… The… best damn laundry in town!"

Run for fun? What the hell kinda fun is that?

Barbara uses AltaVista.

"Pater" means father.

Was Mike's "I HAD a guy, now I don't" comment about Victor? I was kind of thinking he might have meant the guy driving the chicken truck last week.

That was clearly intentional, Begland. The "Scottish accents" were laughably bad at first, then just got increasingly more ridiculous, culminating in the line pico mentioned.

No coincidence
that Louie had Dane Cook last week, as the successful sellout d-bag who envies CK for being a beloved "comic's comic," then Doug Stanhope (this generation's Bill Hicks) this week, as a guy who views LOUIE as the sellout d-bag with a super-sweet life.