Doctor Handsome

I'm not going to lie to you, Marge… well, goodbye!

My favorite one-off characters are still Guy Incognito and The Happiest Man in Springfield ("No, not me, friends! He's talking about himself! But thanks for looking!").

@ClayDavis: Why WOULDN'T Mike have survived? It was shown pretty clearly that A) Mike got down on the floor and B) The Cartel guys were aiming high, putting all their bullets at what would be about waist height to anyone in the truck. Ask any cop or soldier: FAR more bullets miss their mark than hit it, and the Cartel

A dog, a panic, in a pagoda.

"Play us a song, you're the pianoman/Put some coke on my dick tonight"

"Woman and Man" is the best song to fuck to, ever.

I think it's a testament to FX's awesomeness that a show as fundamentally off-kilter as Wilfred is the square part of the lineup.

I still remember that "It's Gonna Be a Long Night" was playing while Shane fought the black dude they added to the Strike Team on The Shield. It was a perfect song, soundtrack-wise, but it was actually supposed to be playing on a stereo in the apartment. Like, Shane Vendrell was supposedly listening to Ween. Kinda

Their best live song is still Booze Me Up and Get Me High, for the simple fact that it's not on any albums. Plus it's fucking great. Their cover of Ace of Spades is also tits.

I dug the "I never said he had hair!" gag, because I'm always bothered by flashback shit where there's details shown visually that were obviously not explained by the narrator. Plus, it set up, "He saw something so traumatic that he grew hair, just so it could turn white!"

You respond to comments too much, Kenny. If you keep encouraging the internet, it'll never learn.

Catfish, that is EXACTLY what I was expecting as the closing seconds ticked off. Then, it all presumably would have been ignored next week.

Tori Costner
was one of Marie's fake names. Saul once claimed to be Kevin Costner to nail a chick. Is there some connection there? Almost certainly not!

"I heard you took a run at this Bogdan guy and he wrestled you into submission with his eyebrows."

It's good that the (admittedly awesome) NBA postseason was included in a list about scripted entertainment.

I've gotta back up zxcvb here: there are literally dozens of brilliant, kick-ass shows on TV right now, but Louie and Breaking Bad will be talked about 50 years from now, as landmarks of the medium.

Great point, berkowit. If Hank resents Marie patronizing him NOW, how will he react when he finds out his pansy-ass brother-in-law is paying all his bills? And I'm quite certain that he WILL find out at some point. It'll be fucking ugly.

Money springs to mind.
Envy is at least one factor in Walt's downfall.
Walt is definitely "green" (inexperienced) as a criminal.
Really, it could mean a lot of things.

king, you've also gotaa give it up for Cesar Chavez (looking like Cesar Romero).