Doctor Handsome

Fucking typos.

Gus obviously knows Walt wants to kill him. He's just not afraid of him. (probably to his his own peril)

I figure Mike tipped off Gus, Mike probably put a GPS on Walt's vehicle, Gus was watching the street via closed-circuit cameras (perhaps from a panic room), and Gus called Walt personally, to put the fear of god into him.

And by "this episode," I obviously mean the Space Coyote one, not Separate Vocations.

Trenchant: It's even funnier because it's actually just Homer conversing with himself. I always loved the fact that "Homer's Brain" is so much smarter than Homer. ("Don't say revenge. Don't say revenge." "Revenge." "That's it, I'm out of here!")

The Bart/Lisa love is always pretty heartfelt, but I dig how it's undercut here by Bart reverting fully to his classic, "Fuck you, Skinner" natural state. Needlessly tacking on more and more detention to his sentence just because he doesn't give a fuck, and would never give an authority figure satisfaction seems

The "everyone's mean to everyone else" style of sitcom being actually entertaining began and ended with Married With Children.

I loved that the scissors suggestion wasn't because there were scissors handy; that was actually the first idea that came to mind.
Badger and Skinny Pete are the best.

That's RAAAAAAAANDY!'s DJ, right?


Was the tweaker killing DJ Roomba because he assumed it had meth and/or coke inside it (a reasonable assumption), or was he just all fucked up and felt like dismantling something?

I also thought she kind of wants to bone him. Doesn't seem to be the majority opinion, though.

You must have REALLY hated "Fly."

How much did it cost to license all those songs? Of course, if it means they have to do another bottle episode as good as "Fly," I approve.

@Donna: I assumed Walt was looking for cameras. It's a pretty safe bet Fring's got camera's all over that bitch.

It definitely sounded like Gus to me.

Bono wrote a horrible musical for him.

@Rairaeri: Good, Giving, and Game (sexually)

Being white IS fun!
Seriously, it's pretty sweet.

Well, in this case, the joke is Louie's lameness and the awkwardness of him thinking he's cool. On Family Guy, the "joke" is… here's Conway Twitty, as a lazy time-filler.