Doctor Handsome

You feel BAD, slut.
"Badly" is an adverb. It means you're bad at feeling. Which might be accurate, as she's apparently a sociopath. I hope the show mines that dark territory.

Why does Ross, as the largest of the Friends, not simply eat the others?

Funky Winkerbean?

Go chop some firewood!

Too $hort is the shit.

A long-lost Terminator Triplet will come for vengeance, and Hank will bludgeon him to death with a geode.

I like that we never see Mike actually converse with Walt, but off camera they had to have had a lengthy discussion about disposing the body and so forth. I wonder how cordial it was?

The boss, "Gustavo F." -no, that's too obvious- we'll call him, "G. Fring"…

Victor just always seemed to hate Jesse especially, and he knew that failing to stop them was a fuckup Gus would hold him responsible for.

The fact that even Mike was a little scared said more than any words could.

Lisa needs braces!

Discussion question: Are Gale's notes written in Elvish, Klingon, or a cypher of his own invention?


I am a 25 year old powerlifter.

Walt's narcissism is his principal flaw, and guarantees that's he's going all the way evil, eventually (if you don't think he's already there. I do.).

Mike will never die. I just hope they don't kill off Saul.

looks more intimidating than Cleaner Mike at this point. Which is fucking awesome.


Why WOULD Jerry bring anything?

I agree with Hatchetjob: the Oswalt/Stiller dynamic on KoQ was always killer.