Doctor Handsome

"Dan Harmon walks us through Community's second season (part 1 of 4)." That is the title of an article you decided to read, of your own volition.

I sit and look up to them from next to the stage at the Spearmint Rhino.

But no Adrienne Barbeaubot.

Remind me to not ever have a beer with you guys.

^didn't really add much.

Psycho monologue
A very nice touch was having a few frames of Dr. Janus's face superimposed over Lu Kim's in that last bit, just like there's a few frames of Mrs. Bates's skull over Norman's face in the last scene of Psycho. That's the level of nerdliness that makes me love South Park.

Workaholics is tight butthole.

Sushi is fine if there's no real meat available.

You guys DO realize that you're arguing (unconvincingly) about Aristotle in response to a dick-joke cartoon that was literally made in a week, right?

Man, Europeans are Puritanical about torture. Grow the fuck up, guys.

He's just weird.
"Like he don't have a personality, kind of like this table."
Characters on this show not named Holder probably shouldn't throw stones like that.

Yeah, I'd say so. I'm not about to quit with only 3 eps left, but watching this show feels like work now.

If HipsterDBag is your "core audience," fucking kill yourself.

Yeah, the Duke looked like shit in True Grit, but that was because he DID look like shit. I think I read somewhere that he was actually wearing a hairpiece and a girdle, which is kind of the opposite of this list.

Yeah, I round my height down to 6 ft. too. Cuz it's, y'know, round.

He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life.

I'm just disappointed they couldn't mo-cap the actual crash.

Tintin is the soccer of racist comic strips.

Lynching is the same as calling someone a fag? You're right, there's no possible counter argument.

That's not news.