Doctor Handsome

*leaves OP hanging*

You're supposed to laugh when rape is mentioned. Duh.

"Which one's the mouse?" "Itchy." "Itchy's a jerk."

Tyler is certainly no Ice Cube, but if you think Cube's most offensive lyrics were ones about Rodney King, I'd suggest you give his albums a few more listens.
Also, go kick your pregnant girlfriend in the tummy and stop lettin' a Jew fuck up my crew.

Body hair retains body odor. That is, in fact, its evolutionary purpose (y'know, pheremones). Quit being a contrarian douche and fucking groom yourself.

My favorite "Marge is lame" gag is still her complaint about the Apron Expo: there were too many aprons.

@Miller - It means she gets results, you stupid Chief!

Holder is bascially the only reason I'm still watching at this point, beyond, "Well, I've already invested 8 hours in this thing, might as well see it play out."

Am I the only one to remember the end of Models, Inc., where the chick was sold into sex slavery in Central America? OK, I probably am.

In Michaelangelo's defense
he was obviously high as fuck all the time.

The Butters Show is still one of the highlights of the series, in my opinion.

South Park Canada is never not hilarious to me. Not Without My Anus is still my all-time favorite episode, and I loved the callbacks to it. Contrary to O'Neal's valid opinion, I wish the WHOLE episode had been Canadian nonsense, without any of the main cast at all. If you're gonna go nuts, I say double down.

Forsooth, buddy! Well played, guy.

In Ke$ha's defense, I find it perfectly acceptable for her to unironically use the word "swagger." Despite Rabin's bizarre implication that it's some kind of slang you need a hood pass to use, it's actually just a fucking word. Merriam-Webster estimates its earliest usage as circa 1596.

Lap dances and James Ingram CDs
Principal Lewis knows how to party.

My favorite Wiggum line is still, "That's some nice reckless driving, Mr. B!"

Winchester: Definitely agree. I think the set-up was more like, "You think you can steal from us and just walk out of here?" Apparently the, "Yeah," was ad-libbed by Ledger.

I don't know about being a *returning* villain, but Springheel Jack vs. Hellboy could be cool.

