
Ultimately, the film is bad, but was it meant to be camp and failed? That's my question. I couldn't tell what they were going for.

Another good case study
There's a now-forgotten Schwarzenegger film from 2000 called "The 6th Day". I am stumped on this one. Is it intentional camp or just bad? It seemed a tad too knowing yet incredibly stupid at the same time. I propose it for a "Film that Time Forgot" or a "My Year of Flops" to see what Nabin

I have wrath of Khan, which doesn't seem right.

record cover
The picture of Willie with Julio is a significant time capsule: the very last moment when wearing a Hard Rock Cafe shirt was cool.

Too soon
I was waiting to see them reunite on a double bill in Hell with Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers. Oh well, I'm sure a reunited NKOTB concert on this mortal plane will be close enough to Hell.

Living with carly and Syesha? That just seems HOT to me! If I were Ramiele, I would have cried into their boobs rather than Kristy Lee "Crazy Barbie" Cook's.

hayakawa is remembered
I would say that Hayakawa is remembered, just not as a leading man. His supporting turn in "Bridge on the River Kwai" opposite Alec Guinness in several intense scenes are quite unforgettable and certainly known by many film fans, even the more casual. Of course, by then he was an old man, not

Code broken!
"Keep it classy" = "Get really drunk"
Oh, Bret, you sly dog!

I saw wired
But just because I'm a big Belushi fan. You think that Jim Belushi braying through "Mustang Sally" in front of drunk tourists who never even heard of Wilson Picket was bad? "Wired" digs up John and violently rapes his rotting corpse. Chiklis, trouper that he is, really tried, but somebody watching this

#1 reason y'all ain't pimps
Man, the streets would eat y'all ALIVE!

New opportunity
They probably didn't finish the ADR looping yet, so Mark Hamill might be getting a call. Yay, Luke!

I thought it was obvious
But yet they didn't create a Buzz Cola-type-soft-drink.

For non-married-in-real-life TV couples, Herman and Lily Munster are our winners. Ooh, wait, I need to add Yvonne DeCarlo to the Hall of Fame above.

Yeah, you can't miss Elvis Mitchell. He looks like a Rastafarian in a suit, which is not a common style. At any rate, he's way cooler than both Olsen twins - combined!

Damn monkeys!

Animals missing
Why no coverage of "The Animals" - one of the seminal groups of 60s rock? Also, please tell me the Annie Lennox deletion was a one-off track from some lame soundtrack. Also also, my fiancee would not excuse any Ani DiFranco deletion, so you're screwed as far as she's concerned.

My idea of hilarity:
Joe Pesci's balls getting blown off by a shot gun. But I guess I'm alone on that, according to the Groin Comedy Theory.

I'm sorry, Ed, but the title goes to "Fierce Creatures".

I call "pointy lucite pyramids of mediocrity" as a band name. You see, hipster douchebags would think it was ironic and show up. Then, when they find out that the mediocrity part was literal, we become the meta-ironic toast of hipster douchebagdom.

Wii version?