
South of the Border!

Dammit, yours wasn't up yet when I wrote this. Sorry, selvig. Great minds do think alike.

Oh thank God
I thought this article was about the magnetic fields of the earth changing. Buying a new compass is not what I need to do right now.

Hey, AV Club
Can we make EVERY article on the Newswire about this fucking album?

Poetic article
I like the new words introduced to the language here, like "becomerisks" and "thrillingthrill". e.e. cummings would be proud!

And apparently, if you like bad spelling, read the AV Club. For shame, Amelie! It's "incoherEnce". Unless that was meant to be slyly ironic in the face of the nonsense words above it?

Thathz rediciluth. Whateva gave you that emprethzion?

Oprah says:
"Thou shalt not watch My video embedded in thine blog." I have to go to YouTube to view it. WTF, O?

Nice reference…
to "The Beach Boys Love You." I think that album sold five copies, two of which were bought by Brian Wilson so he could use the sleeves as slippers around the house.

I saw these…
at my local store and was curious. Thanks for taking one for the team, AVC! I don't have to waste my money or tastebuds on these now. I'll stick with the apples that I actually picked from an apple tree.

Who are your sources?
Who said that Big & Rich are anything more than run-of-the-mill "Look at me! I'm a singin' cowboy!" mainstream country artists? They may be prog-country-rock poseurs on a few album tracks, but their singles are strictly middle-of-the-road Nashville, which is now basically the same as mainstream

I can stop eating all those freakin' nuts at the office.