Tek Jansen

As a huge Farscape fan, getting to see Ben Browder play a watered down version of John Crichton was my favorite thing about the show. My main beef was the way they kept Claudia Black away from him most of the time.

I thought everybody knew that. Now I feel old.

Without examples to back up your crazy claims, I'm just going to assume you have no idea what you're talking about and slowly back away.

I don't drink or dance so I'd rather listen to some Crowded House and chill.

So, you're going to dismiss dozens of great artists because Nickleback sucks? Shouldn't you be on a bridge somewhere bullying talking goats?

That's just, like, your opinion fact robot.

They probably just wanted something that looked and sounded like Led Zeppelin.

The second Mary Poppins book is called (wait for it) Mary Poppins Comes Back. So, there you go.

Johns didn't let not being able to write stop him from having a career in comics.

I used to buy far too many DC and Wildstorm comic books… back in 2001 before DiDio and Johns started changing stuff.

English major here. I used to be a copy editor and I self-published a novel. I will gladly offer my services for $11.50 an hour.

Pretty much. Over the years, Johns has devoted a lot of energy to killing off characters just because he doesn't like them, messing with continuity just because he can, making stuff from his old fan letters canon, and writing stories about how, basically, DC's biggest problem since 1986 is that Johns wasn't allowed

He was a commander in the naval reserves.

Among nerds on the Internet it is. People started going off a couple of years ago about how there should be no straight white male protagonists in anything ever.

Female spies sleeping with guys to get information or leverage is a spy genre trope going back forever. It just seems more problematic than a guy running around acting like Archer.

Roger Moore was Fleming's first choice, according to what I heard.

You can go on YouTube and find plenty of evidence of Hiddleston being suave and charming. I don't know why Hughes felt the need to diss the guy just because he isn't Idris Elba.

So what do you when you're not being a dick on the Internet? Professional puppy kicker? Porn shop janitor? Die in a fire.


I have basic reading comprehension skills, thank you. That's exactly why I offered an example that might lead people to think Craig and Brosnan were two different guys.