Tek Jansen

Star Wipe. I don't know if you can rebuild bridges after that.

Or you know how Casino Royale appears to be a complete reboot but Judi Dench is still M, confusing people who want to know how that affects the Brosnan movies…

He plausibly beats people to death in The Night Manager, so he could do a decent job. My problem with Hiddleston is that he's a super nice guy in real life and that comes through even when he's trying to be a hard mofo. He's too charming to do that whole "kind of a creep, but we like him anyway" thing.

In my case, after a lifetime of bad decisions such as picking jobs based on whether or not I'd have to get my hair cut and doing things that made it take longer to finish college, I am severely underemployed and unable to compete for an internship that might lead to a better job because I'm too old, I have too many

No, I get mad at guys in their sixties who yell at me because they claim they have never had to use their passcodes before (I call b.s. on that) even though they call about stuff all the time and then start ranting about how they didn't need to confirm their identities back in the good old days when Reagan was

I self-published a book. Old people refusing to buy it as an ebook directly affects my quality of life and my Amazon rankings. I keep having to deal with people who want to buy a copy saying things like, "I don't trust Amazon with my credit card information. Can't you order one for me? I'll give you the cash for

First of all, I'm 42. Secondly, I literally can't do anything for the people who call me unless they can verify their accounts somehow. In some cases, if I bypassed the verification process that would be considered fraud. So, it would make their lives easier if they would start using their passcodes instead of

The average Gen-Xer was probably more interested in music and movies than they were in what used to be called Great Books. But still… In my podunk town on the wrong side of Washington, I encountered a lot of people about my age who were surprisingly well read. I had a friend in high school who was obsessed with

Shut the fuck up, Spelman. You have no frame of reference. You're like a child who wandered into the middle of a movie.

Being serious for a moment, that must be really frustrating.

Seriously, we sounded more like that guy Taylor (or whatever his name is) who was going off about why jobs and careers are stupid. The difference was that after most of us failed to become rock stars or successful novelists, we were forced to get regular jobs and abandon some of our dreams and ideals in exchange for

Because a million years ago when I was a nerdy high school student, some of my peers were busy giving themselves pretty good liberal arts educations by checking out the "right" books from the library. They read stuff by people like Kant, Camus, Nietzsche, Proust and basically lots of other stuff by Europeans that

Yes, actually.

Naw man. Hannibal Buress will give them the money using Samsung Pay. It works everywhere.

Gen X'ers: Man, this really brings back the early Nineties when my friends and I used to read philosophy and Proust and shit purely for our own enjoyment and we thought Kurt Cobain was a genius poet. Weren't we ridiculous back then? I used to wear Baja shirts all the time and play bass in a crappy cover band. My

Who will be the first to crack like Tom Haverford because they can't kill time on Twitter? Mari or Zeke?

Some Boomers are all right. I just wish people in their sixties would get over things like refusing to learn how to do stuff on the Internet and being paranoid about buying things from Amazon. They all have smart phones and they won't use them for anything beside watching YouTube videos. It makes my life worse on a

I work with a lot of young people and sometimes the Pandora station gets changed from what I think of as real music to something people half my age would like. So, that means I get subjected to stuff that sounds to me like excerpts from a video game soundtrack or just some guy with a synthesizer and a bunch of Boss

That is great, but a lot of the time, Clapton is happy just phoning it in. I've seen people talk about his great tone and why they think he's the best ever… but I just don't hear anything awesome in a lot of his work.

I never saw it back in the day, so I decided to finally give it a chance when I caught part of it on (IIRC) The Movie Channel. I couldn't take any more by the time Jason Lee's character got done explaining why he stopped going down on women.