Tek Jansen

I blocked you WoodSword. Pound sand.

Some chick at Gizmodo tried to rip him a new one for not asking a better question. Her rant mostly just makes her sound like a jerk: http://gizmodo.com/actually…

So, I guess I'm supposed to be mad at Michael Biehn for starring in a Hong Kong action movie, Christian Bale for being in a really good Chinese historical drama about stuff that happened during a war between Japan and China, and every white guy who ever played a bad guy in a Jackie Chan movie?

I would like Hardwick more if he didn't do stuff like apologizing to the audience when all the guests are white guys or going off about cultural appropriation. It's like, dude… you're about the same age as me. You're not a Millennial. Take it down a notch.

You have expressed your outrage about eight billion times already. We get it. People agree with you. How about a little respect for the dead?

David Eggers wrote a memoir when he was thirty. Calm down people. You don't have to buy it.

That was me during Guardians of the Galaxy. I was too busy being frustrated by changes that seemed pointless or done just to save money on special effects (Yondu just had one arrow instead of a bow and quiver and he's Kree now for some reason? The Nova Corps is just a bunch of guys with guns?) to enjoy whatever it

I think Marvel handled things a lot better back in the Seventies and Eighties. They didn't do a lot of replacing established white guys. They usually just made new characters.

Call me crazy, but couldn't she just come up with a new name instead of replacing Iron Man? She makes her own stuff. Why does she need to be like a DC character and "take up the mantle" of some white dude?

Pretty boy? I think of Kilmeade as the ugly one.

Steve Doocy is the blond guy who said really stupid stuff in all those clips shown during The Colbert Report.

They have several brunettes and at least one redhead.

And then Joel says, "Trumpy, you do stupid things!"

Exactly. Apes and the color purple were considered two ingredients for success.

Supposedly, comics with apes on the cover sold better.

More seriously, Lockjaw was a teleporting dog about the size of an Aston Martin DBS. He hung around the Fantastic Four and he was one of the Inhumans.

Amen to that. DC fans who used to go on about how Crisis on Infinite Earths raped their childhood conveniently forgot all the terrible Superman time travel stories, a lot of really dumb stuff involving the Legion of Superheroes and the Teen Titans, the Mort Weisinger era in general, the Jimmy Olsen comic, Lois Lane

I use Twitter to try to promote a book I wrote. Twitter constantly tries to talk me into buying ads. As far as I can tell, their main source of revenue is people who get suckered into paying them to promote tweets. "I can reach how many people? Sign me up!"

You're exactly right.

I loved The Peacekeeper Wars the first time I saw it. But now it feels too rushed and it makes me mad at the SyFy Channel because there are so many bits that would have been better fleshed out as regular episodes. It just drives home that one more season would have been pretty awesome.