8-in-1 Super Pan

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus  Yeah, but the colloquial meaning of assault and the legal definition are very different (and if we're going by pure legal technicality, it was a battery if it was anything). Saying "assault" calls to my mind something more serious than what he did.
To be clear, I think

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus  I'm all in favor of Belichick getting fined for that; I think there have to be lines drawn, and you shouldn't be allowed to grab an official without any consequences.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus  I'm all in favor of Belichick getting fined for that; I think there have to be lines drawn, and you shouldn't be allowed to grab an official without any consequences.

@avclub-2b2833ea4527af5681b2badfe1efafce:disqus  From what I hear, he's not really a details kind of guy, since his proffered solution to every collective bargaining issue, no matter how intractable, is to tell both sides to "hug it out, bitch."

@avclub-2b2833ea4527af5681b2badfe1efafce:disqus  From what I hear, he's not really a details kind of guy, since his proffered solution to every collective bargaining issue, no matter how intractable, is to tell both sides to "hug it out, bitch."

As we speak, somebody is probably making this an Urban Dictionary entry for something depraved.

As we speak, somebody is probably making this an Urban Dictionary entry for something depraved.

I was a little disappointed by the Snider/Freeman WTF. It seemed like both interviews were a bit surface-level, or at least the Freeman part was (I don't know much about Snider). It was weird that Marc couldn't get something deeper out of a guy with a recent stint in rehab like Gener. You'd think there'd be some

I was a little disappointed by the Snider/Freeman WTF. It seemed like both interviews were a bit surface-level, or at least the Freeman part was (I don't know much about Snider). It was weird that Marc couldn't get something deeper out of a guy with a recent stint in rehab like Gener. You'd think there'd be some

One thing I never understood about William Wordsworth is how he says to fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. It seems to me that inasmuch as a heart can be said to have "breathings" this would be the blood that passes through the ventricles. But putting this blood on paper seems medically inadvisable and

One thing I never understood about William Wordsworth is how he says to fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. It seems to me that inasmuch as a heart can be said to have "breathings" this would be the blood that passes through the ventricles. But putting this blood on paper seems medically inadvisable and

Yup. I am often filled with feelings of hopelessness, despair and self-loathing. I frequently worry that life has no meaning, that I will never be truly happy, and that this is due entirely to my deficiencies as a human being.

Yup. I am often filled with feelings of hopelessness, despair and self-loathing. I frequently worry that life has no meaning, that I will never be truly happy, and that this is due entirely to my deficiencies as a human being.

"Walt was totally disappointed he couldn't use the ricin on lydia."

"Walt was totally disappointed he couldn't use the ricin on lydia."

Oh man, that was phenomenal. I love that Offerman is apparently just like Ron Swanson in real life, minus the libertarianism. In other words, the perfect human being.

Oh man, that was phenomenal. I love that Offerman is apparently just like Ron Swanson in real life, minus the libertarianism. In other words, the perfect human being.

Two things: One, no Stride ad this time, for some reason! Two: A "globochem" (Mr. Show) reference! Kudos to your animators and whoever was responsible for me not viewing that Stride commercial again.

Two things: One, no Stride ad this time, for some reason! Two: A "globochem" (Mr. Show) reference! Kudos to your animators and whoever was responsible for me not viewing that Stride commercial again.

In 1995, Steve Peters had no money. He was a public school teacher, so his opinion wasn't worth very much. But then, in 1996, he won the lottery, and he was a great man, greater than Einstein, who made very little. But then, guess what this genius for a day does. He goes and gives his money to charity! Now he's about