8-in-1 Super Pan

He's not lyin'.

Ah, good ol' Ken M. Dude's a troll genius. This one's my favorite:

"You can imagine where it goes from here."
"He fixes the table?"

@avclub-f2e4e72a8a3dfe3f1f45252b11f5cb8b:disqus They just figured it was all over for her.

He isn't who we thought he was, and we didn't let him off the hook!

This is true and a good point.

As noted elsewhere, I think Alston is black. But your overall point is definitely interesting.

Speaking as a beer snob and non-hipster, PBR actually IS a legitimately good beer for what it is (a cheap macro adjunct lager). At that price point, you can't do much better, IMHO. It's really kind of a shame about the hipster association.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Not to mention establishing the EPA and proposing universal health care. I tried to point this out to my conservative relatives who think Obama is some unprecedented reincarnation of Lenin, but it still didn't quite sink in.

@avclub-472d722b57a4ed37e41e70c9c9d7d0f3:disqus Even after pre-emptively tipping the scales by choosing a conveniently vague definition (not to mention one that's simultaneously too broad and too narrow), you still couldn't avoid contradicting yourself in the space of two paragraphs. How exactly can the essence of art

As much as I'd love a show with Tompkins, Fry, Mulaney, etc., at this point there's really no excuse for not hiring a woman.

Yes! I'm not alone! My dad also has the worst/best taste and owned Two Sides of Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner's The Transformed Man. I'm still not sure if they were purchased ironically, but my guess is they weren't.

I love the album and thought Phish did a perfectly OK version of it. It's just a one-off thing and was more about the novelty factor of going to a Phish show and hearing a Talking Heads album than anything intended to be excessively reverent or innovative. Getting all worked up about how it's not as good as the

I think those songs work both ways—as angular paranoia and funky dance grooves. That's what's so great about them!

I've never seen a show with McGregor, but anytime he has Kristen Bell on is guaranteed to be a good show.

That was so obviously wrong that I'd always assumed it was just intentionally weird phrasing to fit the psychedelic mood of the song. Then again, we are talking about Noel Gallagher, so I'm probably giving him too much credit.

What the fucking fuck was that? lol, that read like something out of some random crazy person's blog, not the NYT. How did this person get a gig writing for a major paper, and how did it get published without a decent editor taking a look at it? Yikes. Also, I can't believe I'd never seen that before. Hilarious.

@hegel_exercises:disqus Well, OK, but you're kind of making the opposite argument from the one I responded to. We've suddenly gone from "Anastasio over-plays and is indulgent" to "Anastasio doesn't do enough and is boring."
Of course, those two things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, but there's the rub: making

Yeah, I had no idea it was such a small venue; I guess I just assumed it was your typical big ol' corporate-naming-rights amphitheater, but it only seats about 7k. Combine that with the fact that it will function as a magnet for the entire midwest and it isn't making prospects look good.