8-in-1 Super Pan

In 1995, Steve Peters had no money. He was a public school teacher, so his opinion wasn't worth very much. But then, in 1996, he won the lottery, and he was a great man, greater than Einstein, who made very little. But then, guess what this genius for a day does. He goes and gives his money to charity! Now he's about

They won't fill arenas (at least not here in the U.S.; they strike me as the type of band who's still huge overseas though). But I saw them on a whim a few years ago, and they filled a mid-size theater in a secondary market without much trouble.

They won't fill arenas (at least not here in the U.S.; they strike me as the type of band who's still huge overseas though). But I saw them on a whim a few years ago, and they filled a mid-size theater in a secondary market without much trouble.

I think Stuart Murdoch has that tattooed on his bicep.

I think Stuart Murdoch has that tattooed on his bicep.

Given that Michelle Bachmann is on the House Intelligence Committee, I'm starting to wonder if committee assignments aren't being made sarcastically.

Given that Michelle Bachmann is on the House Intelligence Committee, I'm starting to wonder if committee assignments aren't being made sarcastically.

Their other major accomplishment is getting all the major newspapers of the world to put the words "Pussy Riot" on the front page.

Their other major accomplishment is getting all the major newspapers of the world to put the words "Pussy Riot" on the front page.

If by "youth" you mean "dealer" then yes.

If by "youth" you mean "dealer" then yes.

Getting annoyed by people who tell you what to do based on a (supposedly) reflexive, unthinking groupthink? Respond with reflexive, unthinking contrarianism! That'll show 'em how much smarter and independent you are!

Getting annoyed by people who tell you what to do based on a (supposedly) reflexive, unthinking groupthink? Respond with reflexive, unthinking contrarianism! That'll show 'em how much smarter and independent you are!

It's always great to hear Reagan worshipers whining about celebrities getting involved in politics.

It's always great to hear Reagan worshipers whining about celebrities getting involved in politics.

I came in here to post the same thing. It's not even a typical "pandering to Nielsen ratings" type of move, it just makes no sense on any level. I have nothing against platform diving, and I like indepth coverage, but they spent a good 45 minutes of primetime coverage on it. What the hell, NBC? Same thing with all

I came in here to post the same thing. It's not even a typical "pandering to Nielsen ratings" type of move, it just makes no sense on any level. I have nothing against platform diving, and I like indepth coverage, but they spent a good 45 minutes of primetime coverage on it. What the hell, NBC? Same thing with all

If there's a legitimate criticism of Zappa, it's the utter lack of emotion or empathy in most of his music. But calling him a hippie couldn't be further from the truth.

If there's a legitimate criticism of Zappa, it's the utter lack of emotion or empathy in most of his music. But calling him a hippie couldn't be further from the truth.

I don't know. Strictly Commercial was the first Zappa I heard, and while I didn't think it was bad, it didn't make me bother to listen to anything else in his discography for the next 6 or 7 years.