8-in-1 Super Pan

I don't know. Strictly Commercial was the first Zappa I heard, and while I didn't think it was bad, it didn't make me bother to listen to anything else in his discography for the next 6 or 7 years.

I don't disagree, but you could say the same thing about any number of other events. There's also been an inordinate amount of coverage of diving and track events, with lots of preliminary rounds that basically don't matter. Why do they keep leading off the primetime broadcasts with these diving rounds where the top

I don't disagree, but you could say the same thing about any number of other events. There's also been an inordinate amount of coverage of diving and track events, with lots of preliminary rounds that basically don't matter. Why do they keep leading off the primetime broadcasts with these diving rounds where the top

The more egregious examples are in the still photography genre:

The more egregious examples are in the still photography genre:

I don't get all the snark about beach volleyball that I hear everywhere. It's actually really fun to watch, and it has nothing to do with sex appeal. I like the indoor volleyball or the men's version just as much, plus I don't think May and Walsh are any more attractive than your average Olympic athletes. Plus, I'm a

I don't get all the snark about beach volleyball that I hear everywhere. It's actually really fun to watch, and it has nothing to do with sex appeal. I like the indoor volleyball or the men's version just as much, plus I don't think May and Walsh are any more attractive than your average Olympic athletes. Plus, I'm a

Right there with you on Rapinoe. I've had a bit of a crush on her ever since the World Cup. She's a lesbian though, which is disappointing, since I had such a good chance of dating her otherwise.

Right there with you on Rapinoe. I've had a bit of a crush on her ever since the World Cup. She's a lesbian though, which is disappointing, since I had such a good chance of dating her otherwise.

Let's not forget Sonya Richards-Ross. That woman is gorgeous. Plus her kids with that NFL player husband will be total superathletes.

Let's not forget Sonya Richards-Ross. That woman is gorgeous. Plus her kids with that NFL player husband will be total superathletes.

"NBC should introduce the swimming graphics that announce the winners when they touch the wall into track events."

"NBC should introduce the swimming graphics that announce the winners when they touch the wall into track events."

I don't know, I have no real knowledge of the sport or anything, but my concern is less that they give him an advantage, and more that he's almost competing in a different event from everyone else. Comparing a guy with bouncy springs for legs (admittedly that's hyperbole but you get the idea) to everyone else just

I don't know, I have no real knowledge of the sport or anything, but my concern is less that they give him an advantage, and more that he's almost competing in a different event from everyone else. Comparing a guy with bouncy springs for legs (admittedly that's hyperbole but you get the idea) to everyone else just

Absolutely. It's extremely counterintuitive, but even innocent people give detailed confessions astonishingly frequently, just due to the pressure of the situation. It really is incredibly hard to believe, but the phenomenon has been amply documented.

Absolutely. It's extremely counterintuitive, but even innocent people give detailed confessions astonishingly frequently, just due to the pressure of the situation. It really is incredibly hard to believe, but the phenomenon has been amply documented.

I watched the gymnastics last night with my Mom, who is also in her 60s, and she was just as annoyed by the coverage and commentary as I was. Then again, my mom's favorite past time is to critique the grammar of sports commentators and to make fun of sappy commercials, so maybe she's not representative of the

I watched the gymnastics last night with my Mom, who is also in her 60s, and she was just as annoyed by the coverage and commentary as I was. Then again, my mom's favorite past time is to critique the grammar of sports commentators and to make fun of sappy commercials, so maybe she's not representative of the

That sounds perfect. I'd be willing to bet you'd learn a lot more from watching sans commentary since you'd actually get to see a representative number of performances and their scores. You could at least figure some stuff out on your own, since the commentators sure as shit weren't going to tell you anything useful.