8-in-1 Super Pan

That sounds perfect. I'd be willing to bet you'd learn a lot more from watching sans commentary since you'd actually get to see a representative number of performances and their scores. You could at least figure some stuff out on your own, since the commentators sure as shit weren't going to tell you anything useful.

Boy, that sounds great, and just drives home what a mistake it was for me to wait for primetime coverage. Is there any commentary on the live broadcasts?

Boy, that sounds great, and just drives home what a mistake it was for me to wait for primetime coverage. Is there any commentary on the live broadcasts?

Boy, that sounds great, and just drives home what a mistake it was for me to wait for primetime coverage. Is there any commentary on the live broadcasts?

Yeah, the gymnastics coverage was absolutely horrendous. I'm not the type to critique sports broadcasts the way I'd critique say, a drama. I'm fine as long as the production and commentary don't actively get in the way of the sport itself.

Yeah, the gymnastics coverage was absolutely horrendous. I'm not the type to critique sports broadcasts the way I'd critique say, a drama. I'm fine as long as the production and commentary don't actively get in the way of the sport itself.

Yeah, the gymnastics coverage was absolutely horrendous. I'm not the type to critique sports broadcasts the way I'd critique say, a drama. I'm fine as long as the production and commentary don't actively get in the way of the sport itself.

The obvious solution is just to never read past the first page of comments absent a compelling reason (that is, your first page post got pushed down and you need to see how many likes you snagged). And never, ever, under any circumstances read any comments beyond the third or fourth page. (Even the second page is

The obvious solution is just to never read past the first page of comments absent a compelling reason (that is, your first page post got pushed down and you need to see how many likes you snagged). And never, ever, under any circumstances read any comments beyond the third or fourth page. (Even the second page is

Yeah, but what the sentence was responding to is the claim that popular music has gotten steadily more homogenized over the last 50 years. Pointing out general characteristics of pop music that have applied throughout that whole period isn't responsive to the claim that things have changed.

Yeah, but what the sentence was responding to is the claim that popular music has gotten steadily more homogenized over the last 50 years. Pointing out general characteristics of pop music that have applied throughout that whole period isn't responsive to the claim that things have changed.

Yeah, and the actual substantive point of the sentence doesn't work either. If "pop music from the last 50 years has all been basically rock, dance, or hip-hop oriented, rather than classical, swing, or from a more varied group of backgrounds," how is that somehow an explanation for steadily decreasing diversity among

Yeah, and the actual substantive point of the sentence doesn't work either. If "pop music from the last 50 years has all been basically rock, dance, or hip-hop oriented, rather than classical, swing, or from a more varied group of backgrounds," how is that somehow an explanation for steadily decreasing diversity among

This is true, but Stewart isn't entirely blameless here. He wants to have it both ways; he wants to be a comedian first and not be held to the standards of journalists (which is not unreasonable in the abstract), but he also wants to be a "serious" media critic as well, at least when he feels like it.

I do think Maddow and Chris Hayes are both a cut above by pundit standards, but they're the exception (plus, not really "news").

I do think Maddow and Chris Hayes are both a cut above by pundit standards, but they're the exception (plus, not really "news").

Everything else in the entire universe > all cable news

Everything else in the entire universe > all cable news

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Paging Leslie Knope Headlines, paging Leslie Knope Headlines…