8-in-1 Super Pan

Or "Stuck in the Middle With You" by Bob Dylan. Which is actually kind of understandable.

Or "Stuck in the Middle With You" by Bob Dylan. Which is actually kind of understandable.

Yeah, Radiohead is always trotted out as this band that people only like "because the critics tell them to, man" but that's never been the case among the people I know. All my casual music fan friends/acquaintances love them, including people who don't know or care what the critical consensus is. The only people I see

Yeah, Radiohead is always trotted out as this band that people only like "because the critics tell them to, man" but that's never been the case among the people I know. All my casual music fan friends/acquaintances love them, including people who don't know or care what the critical consensus is. The only people I see

Agreed on both counts.

Agreed on both counts.

I had never heard of the album. When I saw that I assumed the typo was intentional on the part of the band, which I thought was awesome.

I'd guess it has something to do with the "o" sound that comes afterwards, since her name never appears by itself, and the "r" sound seems to sometimes act as sort of a bridge between vowels.

Yeah, I can't really disagree with you or @avclub-38dbcc9d16431f8ec7bf1d0a455aa71a:disqus . I was just trying to come up with some rationale for not including them.

Hell yeah, I love their later stuff too (Push the Button also has some truly underrated tracks). I just never hear anything about Loops, and it's one of my favorite early CB songs. I suppose the EP was mentioned in the article, but I just had to find somewhere to proclaim my love of that song.

This is as good a place as any to post about how awesome Loops of Fury (the song) is. I love Exit Planet Dust and Dig Your Own Hole as much as anyone, but for me, that song is as good as anything on those two albums. That throbbing, 303-type bassline, it just never gets old.

After blasting that album non-stop for a summer, 17-year-old me had to argue very strenuously to my mom that they were not saying "psychedelic fucking."

Check out Resident Advisor's latest top 100 DJs poll. That should give you plenty of guys to check out, most of whom fit the "minimal" descriptor to some extent.

Their popularity around that time, I should add, is kind of funny given the bro-friendly nature of big-beat/electronica, since "French house" has to be about the gayest genre label imaginable. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

And on Crystal Method. Those guys actually had some talent. Their albums were plagued with large amounts of filler, but their good tracks are among the best of the genre, IMO.

Daft Punk came around the same time as the whole "electronica" craze and got a decent amount of attention, but genre-wise, they're firmly in the "house" category, more specifically the French, filter-obsessed variety, so that's almost certainly why they aren't included. But yeah, they're awesome.

That will be the season finale's cliffhanger!

@avclub-52ed1f89cb6f846e8efba0e4eacf9c27:disqus  You are a sad, strange little man.

Wow. I wasn't following the Beasties that closely over the last few years, but I had no idea he was sick. Seeing that headline was like a punch in the gut. Terrible news.

Yeah, that was a pretty bad episode, one of those where they are really stretching it on the theme and the material isn't that strong either. One or both of those seems to happen a lot lately.