8-in-1 Super Pan

Yeah, that was sort of my reaction to this recap too (not having seen the movie, FWIW). What exactly is the point to the movie other than ridiculous amounts of violence? I'm not saying there isn't one (again, I wouldn't know), but unless there's some non-violence-related reason to see it, I would have to wonder if it

I can't be the only one who can no longer hear the title of that song without thinking "Unce! Tice! Fee Times a Mady!"

Yeah, apparently he runs a business pretty much full time where he takes people out on his boat, though I'd guess a not-insignificant number of his clients are just fans looking for an excuse to hang out with him for a day.

@avclub-6562c5c1f33db6e05a082a88cddab5ea:disqus  True, I suppose I'm projecting a bit onto it since he's in rehab, so I'm assuming he's "healthy skinny" and not "week-long meth bender skinny." Call it optimism.

He actually looks really good compared with just a few years ago (2009-ish). Less grey hair back then, but he was a hell of a lot fatter and sweatier. I saw a Ween webcast around then and was shocked at how unhealthy he looked.

@avclub-1e01a864cb44d4bd2ce7739a5b3b78d0:disqus Yes! You've encapsulated my thoughts exactly.

As the great Michael Berube once put it, the attitude seems to be: "Because of 9/11, I am now outraged by Chappaquiddick!"

Or the original James Brown: "Just talking' loud and sayin' nothing."

Speaking of iconic snares:

" Erlandson is in the midst of trying to sell this pile of yellow snow to the book-buying eskimos. . . "

Yeah, coming in for that casting call must have sucked. "Oh yes, we forgot to mention you need to have bad teeth. You! Over there! You'll do perfectly!"

So I don't know much about this show other than the general premise and that people started to hate it about halfway through the last season. Is it worth going back and watching from the beginning just for the lulz, or is it bad in a completely unentertaining way?

Good to know the APA has a sense of humor. You'd never know it from their style guide.

@avclub-1f5b519cde67ac0d0fcab419aa3048a4:disqus  That was exactly my experience too. It seems like most of the people who virulently hate him just have little to no familiarity with electronic music. It sounds like a logical extension of D'nB to me, just not a particularly creative or interesting one. I honestly don't

@avclub-bcd595cb6c47e9cfbd95a0df89444dae:disqus  Small price to pay, dude. Small price to pay.

I almost stopped, but air drumming to John Bonham was enough to carry me through to the end.

@avclub-913d3a7404f98f0ee3766e12e78506fe:disqus Yeah, but nobody has ever really cared about that on the AV Club.

*cackles maniacally*


Agree, except I wouldn't say Nothing is a great intro. In fact, I'd say that's possibly their least accessible album. I'd agree with the consensus here and say to start with DEI and Obzen, or Chaosphere.