8-in-1 Super Pan

sandyjnsn79:  I think the venue is a lot less important than the objectives of the piece. Making up some dialog or fabricating a character is not a big deal when you're just telling a story that's purely designed to be funny.

Fun Fact: I was developed by astronauts who quit the space program to devote their lives to developing pans!

Yeah, but that lyric is more than balanced out by that knock-you-on-your-ass amazing guitar solo.

Yeah, that was actually my "gateway" a few years after Aja failed to take. Rikki, the title track, Mr. Parker's Band, Any Major Dude… lots of accessible tracks there.

In his Fresh Air interview, Fallon had a pretty great story about working with Bruce to put that together:

Yeah, I saw that too. Given the repeats and general slapdash feeling of the show, I'm going with the "forgot it while editing" theory.

Grognak is absolutely right. At the risk of sounding humorless, claiming that a lawyer was "bought off" is a serious thing. It's one thing to have someone say mean things about you, but this kind of shit is why we have defamation law.

I think the "interrobang" is the device that Errol Morris would invent if he ever started producing porn.

A Will Oldham/Grizzly Bear collaboration?

Yeah, I feel the same way. '05 was my last year after going in '03 and '04. It had nothing to do with the format change, it's just harder to justify the expense and hassle now that my free time and finances are both more limited. I've got some fond memories though.

They haven't been primarily jam-bandish for a long time now. They usually throw a few of them in there, but it's diversified a lot since the early 2000s. I'm pretty sure Radiohead was headlining back in '06 or so.

I'm guessing that title's already been taken by a movie in a different genre.

Didn't stop Ronald Reagan.

Can someone explain exactly what the feud with Jon Stewart is all about? I can't recall Maron saying anything specific other than acknowledging its existence. Or is that one of those things that nobody knows the details of?

Hey, look over there, it's Kings of Leon!

This is true. Some kinds of contracts have to be written down, but not all. That's my expert opinion from my one semester of Contracts in law school. Come and learn at my feet, A.V. Club!

My favorite was "thus robbing Ben Stein of the comedic persona that he had worked so hard to develop accidentally." O'Neal is a national treasure.

You're just used to writing in a very expected way using grammar reminding us of what we've seen before. Giancarlo Esposito breaks that mold.

He's totally pulling a Zoolander in that pic.

I thought the same thing. Your crew has no problem signing up to go on a suicide mission with someone they just met 30 seconds ago, but they'll be much less enthusiastic about it if you don't take a long detour to help some family member they barely know.