8-in-1 Super Pan

Not that it couldn't be improved, but I'm sure some of it has to do with the limitations of the medium. I haven't played SWOTR, but I can understand why the "romances" in Mass Effect are so clunky, since you basically have 2 or 3 conversations to establish that you and this this chick you just met are going to bang

Yup. As has probably already been pointed out a million times here, Mulaney and the other writers deliberately try to make him break by springing new lines on him right before or during the show.

You obviously missed the Fox News Muppets Newswire article.

Oh god, those are fantastic. "Really, nothing is hotter than an accomplished girl in a suit, as long as she is willing to settle down and have my children."

Hell yes. The version on Vieuphoria blew my teenage mind.