
I actually do think it works better as a comedown from the album - I prefer the I Might Be Wrong version as of right now. The raw vocals get to me.

They also managed to throw in some guitar! It's really a perfect showcase of all of their styles and talents.

True love has waited for True Love Waits and will wait until the end of the first album playthrough to listen to True Love Waits.

I think like to show "Zodiac", "Vertigo", and "All the President's Men" together. Two stories of obsession in San Francisco, two newspaper stories and three beautifully shot films.

I was so excited to read about how HAL or Bowman (or Kubrick) could be interpreted as having a mental illness, but the headline was referring to the wrong 2001.

Benefit of low original Pixar output: Dreamworks can now jump on bandwagons spurred by other studios like Laika and Disney proper. Way to… troll, Katzenberg.

Why did Gone Girl have to win and make me question my love for it?

DAMN IT you beat everyone here for the obvious

Fincher is almost better at making trailers than making amazing movies.

A Hologram for the King and The Circle were like sketches of much greater books. Both thought they were satire yet added no depth beyond half-assed homages to Beckett and Orwell. If you think you'd like The Circle because of Silicon Valley references, pick up Where'd You Go, Bernadette or Microserfs instead.

I'd rather watch the torture scene from Casino Royale than most of The Big Bang Theory.

I bought 10 hours of Star Wars (original trilogy) soundtrack on iTunes for a total of $9.99 a few years ago. iTunes' shuffling algorithm really loves having an album that size, so I spend quite a bit of time skipping Star Wars tracks if I do a shuffle of my full library (yes, I know how playlists work, but I'm lazy).

The rocks in front of Roll2-D2 killed me.

The 2004 adaptation is one of my top 10 favorite films (and the one that gets questioned by absolutely everyone). Emmanuel Lubezki's cinematography coupled with the set design is absolutely gorgeous, the acting is solid, and Thomas Newman's score is wonderful. It's not the greatest adaptation of the story, but the

Not at all. It was pretty hard to mentally separate him from the role though.

Tony Shalhoub, Swampy Marsh (Phineas and Ferb), Walter Isaacson, Amy Tan, David McCullough.

I have a Pebble ($119, Black Friday, I don't mind the design) and absolutely love it. I actually use my phone less now; I don't have to pull the phone out every time I get a meaningless notification and want to view it.

Relevant: The Art of Pixar is a beautiful book with a focus on the films' colors scripts. Recommended.

I go to a high-ranked sportsball school, so I get to watch sportsball live*! Suck it, TV Club.