
The A.V. Club

So Jeffrey Katzenberg stole Antz from the public domain, not from Pixar after angrily leaving Eisner Disney? Sorry for scorning you all this time, Mr. Katzenberg.

A blue-ish one.

The film's whole budget would be used to license that song.

Headline got me excited for a Social Network sequel of Zuckerberg stalking Mara's Facebook page some more.

I once had the opportunity to meet the co-creator of Phineas and Ferb, Swampy Marsh, and I asked him why there were no toys of the female characters. He said Disney found that young boys viewed a product to be less valuable if it could at all be associated with girls.

It's a coping mechanism.

I'm pretty sure ::sobs in bathroom stall:: would be more relevant to an engineering textbook.


A Happy Meal. No translation. A combo meal is a "Best of" for some reason (i.e., "Je voudrais un 'Best of Big Mac' SVP.")

The only places to eat in the Amsterdam airport were a Burger King, a Sbarro, a sandwich shop and a Starbucks. Starbucks was the only place I could get any sort of meal under €20.


The French grad students we were with wanted it before heading out to the cafés for the evening, and they are also one of the few places in the town with free Wi-Fi. Every other American I was with ordered a Royale with Cheese.

We did have fun with the Royale with Cheese.

I'm in France for two months, and yesterday I ordered a Happy Meal with a Heineken BECAUSE I COULD.

"That music, and performance, is everywhere, and in every thing." That line made me think of August Rush and gag and not want to watch the video.

Chapter One. He was as tough and romantic as the planet he loved. Behind his fur-cloaked face was the coiled sexual power of a Cholganna nexu. Oh, I love this. Kashyyyk was his world, and it always would be.

Also Bobby Draper exists in the Desperate Housewives 'verse, which would be an interesting crossover for pre-season-7 Don.

To be fair, it was the Brits who deemed that guy worthless without his foot, not the SC Americans.