Robert Paulson

I must also confess that I found the punning of this thread to be, like the Spanish Inquisition, unexpected.

Agreed. Krugman also was not that innocent.

Your mom's a pretty big wheelhouse down at the cracker factoryhouse.

Which superhero best represents the Arby's crowd? The Flash, running on his way to void his bowels?

What keeps doing that?

…said the spider to the fly.

I'm about to lose my patience over all this fast and loose talk about lunch.

Yeah, it's like, will there bean no end to this?

I don't get it atoll.

Yeah, I was thinking head at first as well, but flexible young Gus could probably get his arms around his legs and then, I don't know, jam one of his fingers into the water inlet and crouch for hours in terror waiting for his muscles to give out. At least then he could remove the tape from his mouth and scream more

OK, but only if I can be Samuel L. Jackson and you be Hayden Christensen.

If it smells fishy you may feel crabby afterwards.

What's the porpoise of film?

*is so surprised and aghast that his monocle is hurled from his eye socket with great force, exploding Aurora's head into a jellied mess. Dips his sandwich into the jelly, bids his chauffeur to drive on.*

It may not be he respect he deserves, but it's he respect he needs.

Go easy on the lad. He's challenged.

*pulls up in his Bentley alongside Flag's Rolls Royce, rolls down window*
I say, surely you don't happen to think it would be the same without gay Prepon.
*smiles with genteel embarrassment*

Too bad Gus don't know about that kid who saved the Netherlands by stopping up the dyke's hole with his finger.

I used to read all of my Russian literature while on the toilet but then I found out that my washroom was breeding Brosheviks.

The little girl would have been saved and, having grown up, would not have written this strangely spiteful review.