Robert Paulson

The Focus Group's Findings

Can we get a kickstarter thing going to buy O'Neal a Pulitzer or something?

Nah, he leaves the obvious things like that for us to use in these here comments.

Episode VII: Angry Birds

The ones in her cheeks?

"and this just ends up being a prequel to some as-yet-unannounced Dig Dug movie."

She may not be the woman we deserve, but she's the Gadot we've been waiting for.


"Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred racists…"

I don't even own a synechdoche.

Didn't you watch the video? Duh doy, he's connected.

Yeah, but I tend to hold it so that the key fob is pressed against my
forehead because I don't want to look like a fucking idiot.

I was in the same situation until I decided to think of her as the white Niki Minaj. Problem solved!

While you play "songs of Summer"
I'm being cut to shreds.

That's what they said about live organ transplants too.

The first four folds rapidly de-creased in quality.

He might have checked himself into the Puppet Hotel.

We thought nothing could possi-bly go wrong.

It's worse than tuberculosis.

Let's not get stuck in an issue of sementics.