Robert Paulson

She'd look incredible wearing grand dad's clothes.

"Brostoevsky?" That's some artisanal commenting craftsmanship, that is!

Gaysome is what.

It's a Blue Letter! That means you put it right in Mussburger's hand. No
secretaries! No receptionists! No colleagues! No excuses! MUSSBURGER!

Disagree. The most interesting part of this episode was the other day when I was driving after a mild rain and I took too rapid a turn, sending my Econoline into a tailspin. It was looking dicier than a craps game behind the sanitation department, but I cracked open another PBR, steered into the drift, and got that

Cut it out.

I get all my learnin' from comet books.

It's Sims' job, is it?


And the pets watching Lassie on TV, only to surreptitiously turn it off when Bart comes downstairs at 3 a.m.; and the penguins taking flight; and the chihuahua that happens to be on the hill at the end as a sight gag proving Homer's prediction right; the fighter jet pilots debating health care and military cuts; the

@avclub-33235e3d066bad95b6eea457826f7507:disqus So is it racist to call that blockheaded albino "Bizarro Superman," or is that reverse racism?

That's racist.

This remake has caused me an emotional shock. Someone notify a childhood rape crisis center.

@flagonthemoon:disqus You know, Black Stingray, helmet looks like a weird penis head with glowing red eyes, he's from Pod 6, married to Black Debbie…

How is there no mention anywhere of Karl Urban's goth mullet?

And, like, is Black Stingray Aquaman's arch-nemesis? How does he live with himself?

You don't have to shout, Michael, I'm all around you.

Is he the one who portrays T.J. Lazer in this remake?

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Cop & Don Patch Cop!

"that seem to come from a place closer to her heart that on previous records."