Robert Paulson

I say, this chap may be feral but he has been endowed with the capacity to see even when there is absolutely no light to speak of. Perhaps we had best leave him to his devices on this savage planet and regale one another with tales of grand accomplishments past, what ho? Over snifters of brandy?

Yeah, it's pretty good, but like good-for-an-Aliens-knockoff good. This one looks pretty fun.

Frumious Bandersnatch.

I am going to set fire to all of your pets.

Except that nobody cares whose ass it is or why it's farting.

One should never play fast and loose with one's faith. Only losers do that.

Soybeans, huh? So where do you keep the hookers?

Or, you know, you could stop looking at websites. But yeah, bombing people is a pretty good solution too.

The funny part would be trying to determine exactly which #1 foam finger had raped him the best.

Just deodorant? Not bat deodorant? Too bad there wasn't a noble porpoise  there to hurl itself into the path of this hasty tweet!

If you stopped pronouncing it such that it rhymes with "terlet" you might not get those looks anymore.

Seems more like it's a family affair to me.

@avclub-641e167f974d1dd076c0886d17271975:disqus  Considering how much cuntburgling Zeus did, I'm thinking it's part of the Classics. Definitely in the Humanities; I guess it could be one of the Performing Arts.

How trustworthy  are statistics provided by @Professor_Cuntburglar:disqus? I'm pretty sure he's not a member of the mathematics faculty.

C'mon, dude, if uttering three more syllables would kill you then you don't deserve to have any guacamole.

Maybe it will unrape our childhoods. Or, you know, maybe it's a trap.

You're a weirdo
Mister Greedo
And I'll shoot
before you can know-
*is unceremoniously pulled offstage by a hook or a mechanical hand or a loose walrus man or something*

This whole secret thing seems kinda phoney.

The answer's as plain as the thing on your face.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus I'm more concerned with the possibility of brain cancer than I am about making a mistake on the intertnet. Why, if I happen to have a brain tumor then I'm not really responsible for all the mistakes I make.