Robert Paulson

But we need the funk! We gotta have that funk!

Blupid bloropope!

Do you guys need a copy editor or have I irrevocably damaged my broca's area with booze and pills?

Or, you know, get the diapers that are left over from when a baby is no longer alive.

Ce n'est pas un jeu de mots

Kanye not just leave the man alone?


@avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus So we were both talking about boobs? But I get flagged whenever I mention boobs. Especially Anne Hathaway's.

Do you have a DVD of your mom giving an MTV VJ an STD BJ? If you want I can get you a copy PDQ.

No no no, "hers" as in a plurality of "her." See, like, uh, there's this other show, where someone said "Her?" And, like, it's a thing a lot of people do here, they write "Her?" in response to something and then lots of people like it and express their like and encouragement by clicking the "like" button. So, because,

We can discuss it, just let me go to the dental ight the fireplace.


I want to give you points for trying, I really do, but just keep your pretty mouth shut and bring us some more buffalo wings.

I double dare you to start a clone pun thread.

I knew you were heavily invested in the hologram reanimation tech!

It's easy if you try.

"When his parents were upset with him, they would lock him in a closet. When he really upset them, they would get in the closet with him."

When you someone eat beano.

This is alright, but what if instead of one mixed race fellow we have two mixed race fellows as roommates? One can be half Native American Indian/half Indian-American and the other can be half Indian-American/half Native American Indian/half Indonesian (he also has some extra chromosomes and/or is a conjoined

Finally! A book that has lens flare!