Robert Paulson

@avclub-90c88bf435e7bdafcb26109a12313c7d:disqus The next time I have to fly anywhere I'm going to supersize my scrotum and make sure the TSA agents patting me down earn their pay.

My opinion has been printed up as a brochure. You can have a glans at it if you'd like.

@avclub-8583cd7c50cc85d47a8db2dae972cd72:disqus Just because you outrank us doesn't mean we have to care about what you think. And as someone who isn't a surgeon, I'm pretty sure you just cut it off at its narrowest point  and then use duct tape to close the wound. Presuming,

Except, @avclub-e19801f9caf39bff8afc5e4548f2942d:disqus, I presume it doesn't take a great deal of expertise to cut off a testicle. Like, unless he's grown a whole new set of arteries or something… Oh, fuck I have to go throw up now.

Thanks. Someday maybe they'll develop a way to search for information on the internet that's more convenient than asking someone else over the internet.

Anyone found making a pun here should be sacked.

How is this show different from that show about the Asian/Irish hybrid dude who ran a bar, the show that was produced by that guy from those swing dancing and wedding crashing movies? And is it ok to use the word "hybrid" in this context or am I supposed to use the Tinselwood producer approved term "O' Slanteye?"

Because nobody gives a shit about the crazy homeless. Also, racism on TV can be reduced if we yell at it or twitter at it but fixing chronic poverty and mental health issues is something the government does for us. And it's doing a great fucking job, too.

That zeitgeist literally tied the trending paradigms together. And @avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus peed on it.

@avclub-81e42ebe6b44656990ff91adfd49b5f7:disqus Vampire mermaids aren't really part of the zeitgeist, they're more of a weekend thing.

@avclub-b9a8f4af85454f7c56c06f0a39e7ec23:disqus This is why Penguin won't publish my erotic Highlander stories. "Maybe you should do something where there can be more than one," they tell me. Buncha damn philistines over at Penguin.

Nah, let's change her occupation to lawyer and call it The Scales of Justice. Or set it in New England and call it Maine Attraction.

Yeah, the sparks between her and Jim are much more exciting than any of the other non-couplings going on in the show. Also: she'd never go home with the bartender.

There appears to be an occurrence eventuating!

So Lost was just JJ Abramseses version of Gilligan's Island?

I don't like movies about sand. They're coarse and rough and irritating… and they get EVERYWHERE!

Especially if you work at a sperm bank.

Not when our will is continually dissatisfied by the advent of the shoppin' hour.

I wasn't going to watch this before people got all upset over it, now I'm REALLY not going to watch it.

All these commenters have gone blind for some reason.