Robert Paulson

Can't wait for the auto-tuned Pennyroyal Tea remix!

Dude, didn't you see the motivational poster? You're supposed to "count your life by smiles, not tears."


Bowie's arguments are sound, but they've come too late: I've already drank the Kool-Aid.

@avclub-61170dd37765bf9bee70ec952a5170b0:disqus Will's not here, man.

@avclub-d6eab33032ebeb4e1f8a5891a29427df:disqus @avclub-946dca6d0d2657cfc194c3d4fd39ccb3:disqus

Most horrifying sadness beard ever. Totally to be feared.

Feelin' pretty freaky, Bowie.

I know what you mean, but what I don't understand is why I would watch a video of people visiting in real life places I've only seen on video? I'm still only seeing those places on video. That's like watching a non-relative's vacation slideshow. Or I guess nowadays slideshows are just videos too.

Is this essential to your survival, in the hunter-gatherer sense of the word?

Good news: the doctor will sea you now!

Let's string him up.

Me, too. Let's go beat up Andy Samberg.

Try this:

When is he going to get to produce a TV show about time travel and dinosaurs? That's bound to be awesome!

I'd watch this. It sounds like Wilfred, only with time travel.

I would like some milk from the milkman's wife's tits.

Yeah, I don't remember there being any mustache in the Kate Bush song this movie is based on. Maybe it's a reference to Kate's bush?

Sorry, period monster, I must have skipped a dose of medication recently. It was shitty of me to call you an idiot.

Is that supposed to be a pun? How do you consider that a pun? You must be a monster from out of the fucking idiotic period.