Robert Paulson

Wrong, this sounds fucking gangbusters.

Once they've scrubbed the mildew off her innuendo.

Thanks, Wil Wheaton, for pointing out this, the most egregious instance of betrayal and injustice going on right now.

Aaaand my favorite remix:

Shut thou the fuck up, and let me die in mine own peace.

@avclub-da496e2db2e50a068b4ae5549d4ae1b0:disqus And I got a bed shaped like a race car but that's not why I wear a helmet when I sleep.

@avclub-946dca6d0d2657cfc194c3d4fd39ccb3:disqus Except don't the technicians often have to tweak the pattern buffer? That sounds to me as if there's structured data involved and if there's structured data it can be stored, duplicated, and restructured.

Simon Pegg is taller than me? Fuck you, God!

@avclub-d6eab33032ebeb4e1f8a5891a29427df:disqus Hey, is it too much to ask that, just once, ONCE, I make an angry comment somewhere and not have a dehydrated fruit of some sort lecture me on its scientific merits? This is like the bazillionth time it's happened and it's getting old. Old, wizened, and wrinkled like…

And when are we going to get an explanation about magnets?

This is what drives me crazy about the teleporters. Basically you get killed  every time you use it and it magically recreates you somewhere else. Why not store everyone's teleport data and re-create them if they die?

Maybe, but I are Mom knows how to use an apostrophe.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus "Steamer trunk?" Is that the parlance of our times?

Sorry, I was just looking for Helena. Someone told me you had put her in there.

That movie wasn't an allegory. It was an abortion.

I'm a bathroom wall philosopher and here I sit all broken hearted.

Yeah, legitimate rape would cut into the time the show spends verbally raping the audience. Thankfully my channel changer has ways of shutting that down.

"So tell me.. what is it… you really… really want."

In the Martian desert you can remember your name for there ain't no one for to give you no name.

Shortly followed by a Duplass of brothers.