Robert Paulson

That's a tough one. West Wing or neglectful animal torture? Jeez, uh, really stymied here, gimme a minute…

@avclub-0527c4449619569cd565d724216aea04:disqus I totally want to have your magical Australian bay-bee, name it Walt, lose it, learn that it's totally "special," and then, in order to get the baby back, gut-shoot Lindleof, Cuse, and anyone else claiming that Lost was "all about the characters."

I hope that when you kicked Dik in the face you aimed for his face dick.

And Wu peed on it.

Are you sure that's what she means? Because I was thinking she wanted me to "let my colors burst" all over her face and stuff.


Oh, I see, you started with the worst and put the best on the bottom of your list. It's unconventional, but effective at maintaining suspense. But it seems as if you mixed up the last two entries because The Quest feature's Van Damme's only known mime work and that mime work is fucking sublime. Also Roger Moore learns

@avclub-152cc7bd380aa7ddee2fb624d87228b1:disqus Yeah, further down Tremont and up the hill. Nobody but cartoon characters played REM on Mission Hill.

I used to live on Mission Hill. People there were hurt kind of often.

See also: Air Supply.

Was the laundromat lady the actress from the Blueberries ep of Louie?

Are we planning to brace ourselves against more needy Lisa?

@avclub-b9a8f4af85454f7c56c06f0a39e7ec23:disqus Just as I thought. You SD fans value your wicker furniture more than your integrity. I win the truce!

Stop telling me how brilliant Steely Dan is because I will totally go karate all over you and bust up your wicker furniture and scented candles and Sylvanian Families collection. Or sign you up for the Bad Company Album Of The Month Club.

There are two @avclub-b9a8f4af85454f7c56c06f0a39e7ec23:disquss now?

@dunk:twitter  Have no fear. Now that I've written the definitive post on bands there needn't be any others by anybody ever again. You may resume listening to SD singing about yeast infections or whatever while me and all the cool kids rock out to "Good Lovin' (Gone Bad)."

That would be Ocean Beach, where the syph meets the surf.

You know what I call orcas? Cuntfish. There you go, now "cuntfish" is a word for orcas. Now go and print that on your movie posters. Enjoy taking your kids to see the cuntfish at C-World!

I think that's the word around here. Most non AVC people I spoke to or overheard didn't see it because they heard that it was a bomb and congratulated themselves for not being suckers.

Their sound is disgusting. I feel like vomiting when I hear them. But the sound of Stevie Nicks also upsets my stomach as well too.