Robert Paulson

Go back to Auburn, jerkface!

All due respect, @avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus, but… yes. Yes, that's exactly what I wrote. Only I have the capacity for sincere passion because I'm the only one in the universe who isn't a clever origami construct.

Facebook thought I might like Dave Matthews Band and drinking my own urine. As if I'd ever listen to DMB!

With Dikachu isn't more like a… like B9?

Also, those people who profess love for SD? I doubt they ever actually play them. "Hey, you know what I want to listen to right now? Steely Dan!" said nobody in the history of everything ever.

Right there with you. But you know what I love? James Hong. Let's get that guy on AVC for random roles or Hatesong so he can commiserate with us on how shit Steely Dan is. The answer is total. Total shit.

What would Ron Donald don't?

Right, it's just the fashionable movie to be disgusted with like John Carter was. Everybody gets to feel good about themselves for talking about what a piece of shit this is as they wait in line to buy Grown Ups 2 tickets.

Fuckin' hate Steely Dan.

Too cerebral.You're supposed to just throw turds at him and watch to see what happens.

Nah, that was a cry of pain due to a heart attack caused by my frustration over the difficulty of typing <3. Shift for the less-than and no-shift for the 3? Nobody loves anybody that much.

Yeah, if anything her plastic surgeon should be the one dismayed by all the criticism. Seeing her in the previews for those movies that are coming out gives me the uncanny valley heebie jeebies.

"secure in the knowledge that at least writers never have to deal with negative comments from complete strangers."


Too soon!

Chappaquiddick, however, is less discreet.

Are you saying that  Dan Brown is a busty lass? Or that Taylor Swift is? Your post arouses confusion and arousal in me.

Fuck off and die, you damn Westie.


I don't care what the fucking title is, I just want Werner Herzog to direct.