Robert Paulson

Whatever else happens, Pennsatucky gets a new set of teef.

This is the first time I've seen him (aside from snippets of those movies about people who fuck food) and was pleasantly surprised by his restraint. Agree with TVW that Pennsatucky was the weakest performer.

Maybe you should install the Rerun extension for your browser.

I never got to the point where I hated Larry. I guess I was moved by pity that the actor playing him would never get a role that didn't involve onscreen masturbation.

Aw, these ghost don't know shit!

If you need my support, sugah, alto the line.

Spoiler: debating about whether or not something you posted is a spoiler makes you look like a jerk.

"This page intentionally left blank."

Oh, shit, I just now get it. The whole premise of this is a metaphor for the dissolution of the federal government. Or maybe it's about immigration reform or something. Whatever, I just can't wait for the episode based on the chapter in the book wherein [SPOILER]

The check is post-dated for the day after tomorrow.

What's Happening Now???

So sick of you and your damn Boourns ultimatums.

Kendall? I hear genitals aren't allowed there.

@avclub-efe3192d78a1ce56ee8080149d5de969:disqus Nah.

"Boeme?" Are you sure that's not Boerne (pronounce "Bernie")? I think that's in Bexar (pronounced "bear") county…

It's gonna have to be animated because nobody has feet that look like that.

Oh, Adam Sandlur! I can't stay mad at you!

We thought the monsters would come from space, but they came from deep within Adam Sandler.

Why did you go to Chipotle if you wanted a crêpe? Weirdo.

Guaca police, arrest this  etc. etc.