Robert Paulson

Of all montage music this could be the best around. Only Joe Esposito could keep it down.


I hate it when someone puts the idea into my head of Nolan directing a movie. Like next-level hatred.

Man, I wish I could have had a Congressman masturbate me when I was a fetus. Kids these days have it wayyy too good.

Nah, you probably just ate some gypsy's accursed pie.

C'mon, dude. Thinner? Not enough material? Preposterous padding? Didn't you see what I did there?

Yeah, he's a hideous Samberg/James Franco hybrid. And he's come for our women.

Kind of reminds me of that Lovecraft story about a dude trapped in an invisible maze. Except the maze turns out to be another deformed ethno-racial stereotype from some unspeakable hell dimension.

I'm waiting for Undead Karenina. Or undead Godot. Whatever.

OK Soda mixed better with mehquila than Mehpsi does, and I bet the cans are now precious antique cans.

Yeah, as exciting as watching a horse that's been beaten to death decay under glass. In real time.

Or they open the dome and and everyone spills out in a torrent of water and flurries of "snow": they were in a snow ball thingy the whole time. A snow ball thingy that was purchased in the

As a short novel there wasn't enough material there to sustain a feature length project, at least not without a bunch of preposterous padding involved.

You mean the "Mehpsi" button? Because I could maybe sort of go for a lukewarm somewhat refreshing Mehpsi sometime.

@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus  If it's a lapse dance I may lose my otherwise sensible judgment.

Relapse gets worse each time it's played.

No, it's a travesty…

Nah, that's obviously the feminist taco truck you're talking about, Lesbi's.

While one shouldn't drink salt water, if it's money you thirst for you should go for a sea quell.

If you like foreign food, how would you like to try a jarvis marmite?