Robert Paulson

When your confused eat it.

Sabre Dance or GTFO.

If this doesn't end with Walter White meeting Todd Margaret in post-nuclear North Korea, I'll be OK with that.

Someone should use a bunch of these to document rainforest destruction.

Riker just should have used the Googledeck for his liaisons and the whole problem could have been avoided.

I wanted to load this app and see Anne Hathaway.

"It aimed to open our eyes to a whole new way of living, then put tits in them." Delightful.

You only think that because you bought the USB powered splooge spraying attachment and now your eyes are gummed up with Google Glass Goo.

When will the EU realize that austerity makes the worst dental dams?

I'd rather he had called it "eatin' pussy" instead of "cunnilingus." Sounds less fancypants.

Oh great, @avclub-410987637793620466d1b0732bd7ed6d:disqus. I clicked that link and now I have the virus. Again.

Tough to do when you're living in the lap of luxury.

According to the CDC just about all of them are dirty.
"HPV is so common that nearly all sexually-active men and women will get at least one type of HPV at some point in their lives."

Surely you don't mean that.

I feel a little critical of your criticism of Hurwit'z criticism of the criticism of the critics.

I've had a bellyful of these puns.

Totally accurate. The joy I derived from bitching about Prometheus and reading other people's reactions last year was about equal to the enjoyment I derived from actually enjoying The Avengers. So go ahead and bring Lindelof in to shit in the wound.

@Scrawler2:disqus Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't.

I doubt Heisenberg would violate his principles like that.

Yeah, why didn't they get Damen Lindelof? Oh, you say he'll end up writing the final version of this? Why not just have eagles tear out our livers and feast on them? And shit in the resulting wounds?