Robert Paulson

How many Chins will he have?

Where the hell did that Somalian come from? The queen Somalian detached herself from her egg sac at the end of the second one leaving all the eggs behind.

Man, I could really go for some Lunchables right now.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus Jeez, we get it! You scavenged a (Parenthetical) Cloak from some Punctuation Goblin's cave. Stop rubbing our (cocaine addled) noses in it!

These critics sound like a bunch of Gothic castles.

Silent but deadly pheromones.

What? No! It wasn't the fauna that drove mankind away: it was the flora.

Stopped in at the Method One Clinic, did you?

@Scrawler2:disqus : "They're still human beings and deserve to be respected as such. "

Dinosaur with problems? No, no, no, you're thinking of Tori Spelling.

Three rings to catch them all, three rings to find them,
Three rings to cure them all and in the folders bind them.

Oh, so it's irony then. 18th-century irony, but I guess it’s all the same principles. Let me ask you, are you at all concerned about an uprising?

You, sir, have the boorish manners of a Yalie!

Yar, it was such blatant pandering that I had to check to see who had written it and was despondent to see authorship attributed to basically all the staff. Such tripe. And yet… you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you've got a stew going.

Ha ha, your family is poor and you like Zach Braff!

I don't know what you mean but it had the cadence of a joke. 

We call that a sausage in the mouth.

@avclub-34a0cc9e710ab7fc376d918356d4a6e5:disqus What if I save the burlap sack and just smother them in their own used plastic diapers? Or choke them with single-use coffee pods?

Yeah, AD totally jumped the shark sometime in season 3.

I don't know, it's so boxy.