How Lohan Can You Go

Bring it!
Im looking forward to Tatum stripping. At least we know he'll be good at it

Agreed. And I am so glad to see the family giving proceeds to something positive like music education.

Abort! Abort! It'll never have enough sex and violence to be acceptable.

Tila Tequila!!!

Fox should stick to what it's good at… like pissing people off. So quit making everyone happy! Maybe Bristol Palin can make an appearance on Glee to give us all a great PSA on teen pregnancy. That would surely piss me off AND give me something to blog about. Double Whammy!!!

Dont hate me…
but I "kinda" respect Freddie for this one. I've seen some great bands play at really shitty venues where people are trying to go nuts but you just cant when you are tied to a seat. It's really disappointing. Bands that NEED a floor section for the type of music they create should stick to those venues.

"I'm too sexy for my stocks"

Nerds everywhere unite!
This sounds like a nerdy version of The Hills. They could even have a crossover character like Speidi make an appearance!!

Just got done perusing the PTC website… pretty sure it's the most amazing thing since sliced bread! Now I know where to find all the great shows to watch.

My vagina tells me that if you must use protection, Skinless Skin in the silver and blue packaging are the best condoms on the market.

This website gets me through the work week. Thanks AV!!!

Any chance that Emma had at breaking free of Hermione will be destroyed if this is the first film she does outside of Harry Potter. I wish her the best of luck though.

Dont fuck this up!
Too late…

Has anyone seen those horrible commercials all the networks play during primetime that have beat-up, starving animals and sad music playing in the background? PTC should be pissed about those! The word "SHIT" is nothing compared to the PTSD small children could suffer as a result of watching that commercial.

You should probably start a Facebook group to get your demands met.

Pretty standard "obsecenity or art?" defense. Reubens should probably just move to the Valley and do porn…

Another recycled idea

I didn't see Ms. Lohan on that list. Is it because she is "stuck" in France avoiding a court date that could be sending her to jail?

Well played with the Bieber suggestion! To add to that, I was thinking "Bombshell" McGee could play the Wicked Witch of the West.

Correction: Pearl Jam sold out to Target. Axl and Eddie get Walmart.