How Lohan Can You Go

Ya! And they could sell the existing pieces of their souls to Walmart for a distribution deal like Pearl Jam.

The Black Family sounds an awful lot like Chappelle's Niggar Family…. "Oh, that crazy Niggar boy!"

Too much 3D already. I much prefer my "normal" vision movies and television. Plus, where's the originality? Stop recycling old movies, and, on an aside, PLEASE stop making movies out of books.

Instead of Lindsay, they can just cast her equally self-destructive mother Dina as the grown-up version for film. On second thought, lets just give Lindsay and Dina another top-notch reality show. They could use some gainful employment to fund their public debauchery.

I've heard rumors about a magical terrorist training camp called Hogwarts. Its run by a bearded man with a tall cloth hat. His name is Dumbledore.

Gary Coleman should have been cast as the "1/2" from the get-go. He's forever small, cute, and funny. No need to worry about him going through puberty and getting uglier either.

Instead of calling it "D—chebag"
they settled on the title "We Bought A Zoo"

*ass clap*

It's a girl!!
Sex and the City just had a baby with The Hills!

How many episodes into the first season before she cuts her hair? That's when it will be cancelled.

Has Hollywood run out of original thoughts? I keep seeing shitty films getting made out of great books. Books are books quit raping them for profits. But since its too late to stop this production at least I can offer a suggestion…

Real Hammer Horror
They should come back with a film about the string of killings in China where school kids keep getting hacked/beat to death by crazy men with hammers. WTF?!

Too much of a good thing if you ask me. Burton and Depp are both incredibly talented but I can only take so much. Stop mass-producing crap. Take a vacation, regroup, get creative, and try making a movie without Depp…

That dynamic could work. Palin would be the Curly, Silverman would be Moe, and Polley would be Larry. Imagine the slapstick possibilities…

Is the original music from Daria seriously being replaced?

People still purchase/rent DVDs?
Happily sharing files with my online friends since 2002

I am hoping to see more overweight, hairy men do full frontals. Then have sex with women who are way out of their league.