
Guess you could say he didn't have…..

There actually is (was?) a fairly decent restaurant in Cambridge, MA called EVOO, but I agree it's a horrible name.

Gail Must Go
Someone upthread already noted the bitchy "oh we're supposed to seat ourselves" comment literally 2 seconds after they walked in the door. Then her incoherent comments at judges' table - (i) "we don't care about the back of the house, we just want good food", then (ii) "Kenny, we admired the way you ran

May I suggest
The "Turkey Drop" episode of WKRP? Oh the humanity!

[Looking up..]

Forty? You mean four, right?

He needs a Crash Davis Guide to Cliches remedial course, stat.

NO, no, no. It's American >>>> National. I mean the AL is 12-0-1 in the last 13 all star games.

The Harlem Globetrotters show up an play a basketball game. I believe Phyllis Diller may also be involved.

I think female, hence the "pass the word around" aside - they're trying to drum up some action, if you know what I mean.

This thread reminds me - I've been meaning to listen to some Jay-Zed all day. Carry oun.

You added an unnecessary "u" to neighbors. Just thought I'd point that out.

I was thinking pamphlet. Perhaps a brochure of songs?

You're both correct. First Ellen said it and then Simon made fun of her for it.

You don't know who Nuno Bettencourt is? Get the funk out!

@Mosca. I agree!

"But seriously, American Idol contestants are a lot like Perseus if you just think about it for a goddamn second."

"When did we get too tired to say "swagger" and just started going with "swag""

Great Writeup Leonard
But Hawk Harrelson is an asshole.

Dream Stones Scenario
Would be for Charlie Watts to retroactively learn how to play the drums.