
No love for @rejectedjokes on NNF?

Agree 100%.

Great call on Colton's adenoids (my wife thought he was nasally, I thought that was better than the whine-fest that was Piano Man).

Agreed re. Joshua.  It wasn't just that it was technically flawless - there were a lot of little details in the performance that were really impressive - little tossed off "ha's", great arm movements, a preacher/James Brown pose w/ the mike stand toward the end.  I'd definitely put it in top 10 all time*

Final 3 - Jessica Sanchez, Joshua Ledet (sorry Claire) and a white boy of some variety.

Hmm, I distinctly remember Family Ties' take on It's a Wonderful Life.  Alex Keaton ends up buying all of his Christmas presents at a 7/11.

Little Saint Nick.

Jesus, all this time I was listening to the clean version and didn't know it. 

Totally agree on this. "What's Good" is a fantastic song, although some of the lyrics are silly "life is like mayonnaise soda…." "life is like sanskrit read to a pony"

Yeah, she totally biffed the lyrics in the first verse. A bit surprised they didn't mention that.

A few obersvations
Or observations.

After hearing that song, Drew Barrymore hit the bottle again.

Come on baby leave some change behind/
She was a bitch, but I don't care/
She brought our food out on time/
What a funky braid in her hair..

He definitely dropped at least one f bomb.

Gotta Say
It feels like I'm watching a different show than the judges. I'm wondering if the acoustics in the theater are much different than what we are hearing on tv (one of the HitFix bloggers who saw the guys in person noted this).

I agree 100% with FMJ. It was definitely cabaret and she didn't sing it the strongest, but I thought it was pretty inventive which is what they are always asking for. I recognized it right away.

Thomas Lechleiter.

That is a fantastic find. Seems to me the only diff between '94 Sheen and today's Sheen is that the internet wasn't (really) around then for this stuff to go viral.

I won't be convinced
of Charlie Sheen's awesome powers until I see what he can do with a Happy Fun Ball.

Tatynisa Wilson
More like Tata-nisa Wilson, amirite?