
Rachel Getting Married
The dishwasher contest. Brutal.

Loop de loop flip flop…
Isn't this just part of "Santa's Got a New Toy" from the Beach Boys' Christmas Album? I kinda dig that song.

The most offensive thing about this
I already have DirecTV and yet they're running these commercials telling me to subscribe to DirecTV.

I think the line was "we have sex all the time. At least once a week".

"I could get a pram and a real nanny"
Lucky for her Saint John Powell knows just the gal.

Cornhole >>>>> Horseshoes. Less chance of injury while playing drunk.

Everyone forgets
The motorcycle gang from Weird Science. They were mighty scary.

Running Scared
(The Billy Crystal/Gregory Hines version) has some good ones.

Jesus I am old. I was in college when that came out. Tremendous movie. Rip Torn owns.

Looked like the Laffer Curve to me.

And all this time I thought Pink Elephants were something Dumbo saw after he drank too much. Maybe it's the 800 pound elephant instead?

I've wanted to get my mouth around
Some Giant Naturals for a while. Thanks A.V. Club!

, it seems to me, is inordinately Cousin Oliver-ish this season. Not sure if it is because of the extra judge or what, but seems like he's trying harder than ever to be "cool" (e.g., after the Carrie Underwood video where she called Simon creepy, he says "ditto"). I know he loves Simon and all, but man, give it

I agree. and the talking back in general is out of control this year. I'd rather hear a 3 minute Paula soliloquy on touching hearts and passions and being true lalala than listen to Michael Sarver tell the judges what country fans like.

Randy Travis
is it me, or did his head look like a light bulb. He was looking mighty scary with the sunken face and blinding white teeth.

My wife noticed the same thing. Sadly, so did I.

Did anyone else
Expect to see Paula dancing at the judge's table with the other fans when Kanye came over to dance? Maybe that's too SNL-ish, but I would not have been surprised if she was standing on the judge's table doing an ol'e with a scarf or something.

I watched this, but I can't fault you for In Bruges. Try to see one of McDonagh's plays if you get the chance. They're all great.

@ Murray the Skull - Nicely done.

Next week…
Watch out for your favorite dark horse and mine (probably just mine) - the kid with the Aa on his t-shirt in the dance montage who learned how to sing in his closet. I'm going to raise in the dark here and predict he makes it through.