
A ton of early Nickelodeon programming was just Canadian productions.

Remember when Dean read books in the first season until Jess showed up?

I believe the story behind it is that Matt Groening agreed to the ads because he legit really likes Butterfingers.

Futurama moved from Sundays way before 2001.

People tuning in in hopes of seeing The City Of New York vs. Homer Simpson.

I'm guessing a Hamilton style biography of some extremely unimportant person in history that may or may not exist. Something like White House janitor or scullery maid.

The answer for every state is pizza and probably pizza by a huge margin. There might be some place with Chinese food as #1.

I really liked the 2011 version as well. It exists in this weird area where it's close enough to Carpenter's version that I like what it's doing but far enough away that it feels a bit off. Had I never seen Carpenter's version, I can't tell if I would either like it more or less than I do.

I saw Down and Out the first time when I too was around 12 and remember liking it. I saw it again a few months ago and don't know what I liked as a kid. Most of the comedy would definitely have gone over my head. I didn't really like it as an adult though.

The fact that this show has multiple "cameo cut short due to accidental killing" bits is a pretty amazing feat.

I really wish I had not watched that.

I still occasionally reference Mad About Shoe from The Simpsons but I assume the only people who get it are people my age.

Here's hoping for Ghost Dad, but I don't think many Criterion Collection films make it to Netflix.

Taylor Doose would have been a pretty tough sell.

My guess is that the British government coverup of pedophilia is no less plausible than, say, the Catholic church having a worldwide coverup of pedophilia.

Tommyknockers is one of the few books I just could not finish after really investing in it.

I was surprised to see the maze runner being the puzzle everyone hated. I only have vague memories of it and had to watch the video to even know what it was. There were definitely puzzles I had more trouble with and none that I remember thinking were unfair.

I would describe them as not remotely authentic which I'm fine with. If you're not going to try to be accurate to tradition, then completely avoid it.

A couple years ago, I would have agreed with you. Then they started smothering all their burritos in salsa and got rid of their vegetable burrito option.

Roy Rogers still exist? I thought Hardees bought out all of them.