
Yes. The next presidential election is November 2020. Pence turns 61 June 2020 five months before that.

The intro for All About Eve for the TCM theatrical presentation features Ben keep talking about "uncle Joe."

Speaking as a Hoosier, Pence is not *that* unpopular here. Certainly not as unpopular as he should be.

Since Pence's death in this takes place before the end of Trump's term, are we to assume that Trump died from the virus or left office for some other reason?

Thor 2, on the other hand, is at the absolute bottom of the MCU for me.

I know this is a joke, but Wiz Khalifa/Charlie Puth really should have been nominated for best song with See You Again.

I had to skip Derek completely. I saw the promotional image of Gervais slump shouldered, open mouthed grin and knew, ehhhhhhh, this isn't going to be anywhere near the right side of fair toward the mentally challenged.

After having finished the video, I think the guy is wrong for claiming Jonathan Blow is trolling people.

If I were ranking Last Guardian purely on storytelling, it's absolutely number 1 for me and maybe number 1 all time. But I found the controls/game play had too many issues. I get commanding Trico as a wild animal shouldn't be super easy, but I'm also playing a game that I want to progress in. I know Yorda and Argo in

I picture the ending being that everyone except Tandy is dead through whatever happens to them. Presumably Carol is last to go for emotional weight with both Tandy and the audience. Tandy gives a lovely funeral service then "The Last Man On Earth" comes on screen. Credits.

You keep bringing up his resume but this isn't season 1 of Shameless anymore. It's heading into season 8. So, now it's about the star of the show getting paid star money. Or an ensemble getting paid equal to the rest of the ensemble.

I don't really see any of the other people I named as possibilities either. I've read people throw them out there as theories though. Rory mentioned being a surrogate when taking to Jess in Summer but I saw that as more of a throwaway joke about her life possibilities not a legitimate idea.

The header picture is the guy who ended up moving to Australia and becoming a bricklayer.

These are television programs with seven years between episodes. While I assume the majority of people didn't watch them as they originally air, it's definitely useful to give a brief reminder on each person.

Beans or no beans doesn't matter. So long as we all agree macaroni doesn't go in chili.

There was also the DVD (not the theatrical) release of Man Who Fell To Earth with the same idea.

"Donald Trump: A future in stand-up" is certainly a better headline.

Hillary's connection to big business is troubling. Better vote for a big business owner instead.

While a Big Adventure movie would have been better, I still really enjoyed Elvira, Mistress Of The Dark as a kid which means I think it's okay as an adult.

I still have all mine up through issue 59. I can assure you, I am getting no use whatsoever out of them.