
Popeye's version of red beans and rice

Yep. I've been to In-N-Out and ehhhhh. I'll stick with Five Guys.

Craig was 44 when Skyfall was released and the movie kept mentioning him being past his prime, losing a step. Granted, I think Elba looks better at 44 than either Craig or Moore ever did. So, I'm not totally against him by any means.

I wouldn't necessarily use Zack Snyder or DC movies as a gauge on someone's acting ability. In a movie filled with decent actors and actresses, the only genuinely good performance was Affleck and maybe Laurence Fishburne.

My argument against Idris Elba is that he's too old now. He turned 44 today. I think that age is fine for the end of a Bond tenure, but too old to start. Had they gotten Idris 10 years ago when Craig was starting, he would have been an excellent choice.

Where are my Head On, apply directly to the forehead Newswires?

Stupid Moron With An Ugly Face And A Big Butt and My Butt Smells And I Like To Kiss My Own Butt

Genuine question: was Arnie supposed to be Austrian in Commando?

I'm with you on episode four. Great premise but the story doesn't live up to it. I either need to rewatch it or just suffer the downvotes in the next comment section.

For anyone who has seen the entire season,

This is a perfect example of how to lean into the obvious joke.

I was really hoping for Abba Kiarostami's vision of Squirrel Girl but this will do…I guess.

I still get CDs exclusively if an album isn't available in that format (streaming is just to test out artists). I've been worried for a while about if disc changers will be around when I have to buy another car. I may have to buy one and have it installed.

As I already stated, if I felt my daughter/sister were molested and nothing came of it, I'd keep bringing it up if people were willing to listen. When I put myself in the Farrows' head space, I get their actions entirely.

What the Farrows accomplish by "constantly trying to name names" is reminding people that Woody Allen is, in their eyes, a child molester who was never punished.

While I'm not big on the series as a whole, I think the pilot of Supergirl is a really solid set up for the series. I'd be mildly interested in hearing what people's problem with it was.

Big Fish

Great job, Internet! has now just turned into two week old "People also shared" links from Facebook.

There is a lot less CG in Jurassic Park than most people realize. A lot of stuff that people think is CG is practical. That's a big reason why the effects have aged well; they weren't computer generated.

Heaven. It became sentient and left this mortal coil simultaneously knowing it would never get a solo that good again.