
Prince finished that solo then threw his guitar into the ether where it was never seen again.

The full run of Larry Sanders was on Netflix a few years ago. I'd assume it's an HBO thing or some other contractual thing.

You think the host of 2015's Summerslam has time to bother with some piddly Star Wars movie?

People were getting called homosexual slurs all the time in 1986 as I recall.

I don't really remember anyone slamming the game once it came out. Sure, there were some people because there are always some people. But I remember it being very positive from the public. Professional reviews of every Zelda game are always largely positive.

No, the original reaction to Wind Waker was overwhelmingly negative. At least pre-release. The original designs were more conventional and they switched to cel shading seemingly out of nowhere resulting in the "Cel-da" and "kiddie" accusations. The first released images were really rough looking though and I was

Yeah, I guess it really is just those two now that I think about it. Unless the opinion on Skyward Sword changes someday which I don't see happening.

This isn't a new policy for AMC. It has been their policy for years.

One thing I'm curious about is that I've read the Gamecube version of TP is fun but the Wii version is a real slog to get through. But I've never really seen anyone say why this is. Can anyone elaborate?

The general line is that the newest Zelda sucks and the previous one was great. At least since Majora's Mask anyway. Majora's Mask was seen as a step down from Ocarina Of Time, but became very well respected once Wind Waker came out. Wind Waker was all dumb sailing and kiddie but that eventually reversed in the

This is really weird because I always assumed it was dominoes. But capitalizing "Dominoes" in the article made me think it might be about pizza.

Legit question: Has Burn After Reading amassed a following?

I'm not sure I'd say Toy Story 3 is better than Toy Story 2, but I'm glad to read some other people say Toy Story is the weakest of the trilogy.

This article, because I'll admit to not remembering this discussion in 1996, makes it sound like it was taken as a joke at the time. It was also presented by Jesse Jackson to the public who otherwise wouldn't have noticed.

Yeah, I'm not sure what the point of this article is.

I don't remember Burger King doing this, but I definitely remember the McDonald's Million Dollar menu song being released on flexi-disc in a newspaper advertisement. I was very happy to find a pristine version for sale a few years ago.

My years were just rough estimates, but I think it is. Goonies, like a lot of other mediocre movies for kids, is a right place, right time, right age combination. If one thing is off, it just won't work as well.

I think biggest problem with The Visit is that it was three very different movies/tones throughout. Supposedly it was shot as a pure horror, pure comedy and pure light family drama. The final version being a mishmash of all three.

Goonies is almost more a right of passage than a "thing." Virtually everyone born 1976 to 1980 saw it and liked it. So far as I can tell, most people who did see it seem to see it many, many times well before 80s nostalgia got big.

Freddy was originally a child molester not a murderer. I could see him having a largely completed script then just doing a minor rewrite to change molesting to killing. That kind of depends on how far he was in the story though.