
Would you be happier with "person's right"?

Sly And The Family Stone - Dance to the Music and Sly And The Family Stone - M'Lady

There is an honest to god album called Happy Clucking Holidays where a man clucks to the melody of Christmas standards. I'd put it below the barking dogs and definitely Meow The Jewels.

According to the commentaries, "yoink" came from the Flintstones. It wasn't an actual word, but a musical sound effect used when grabbing something. "Yoink" is just an onomatopoeia of that cue.

I think the reason people are more forgiving to (or forgetful of) seasons 1 and 2 is because people understand that a show is very rarely great coming out the gate. The show is still finding its voice and the characters. So, it's hard to really fault the show for not being amazing that early.


There are award shows other than the Oscars. They largely hand out nominations and awards to the same things the Oscars do. Taking down the Oscars or elevating the Golden Globes, BAFTAS, PGAs, DGAs, etc. isn't going to add diversity.

Looking at the nominations for best actor, it really is strong though. Oyelowo deserves a nomination and, arguably, a win. But, I would say Cooper would be in my top six performances this year. So, it's not like they threw some garbage performance in there.

It's plausible. I grew up in Indiana and My high school German teacher left Germany, according to the stories I heard, shortly after the wall was built. His accent was still super thick in the late 1990s. He'd been teaching there for, I think, a couple decades at that point.

I definitely remember these being around in the mid 1990s. I want to say I saw them as early as 1995.

Yeah, I may not like a lot of the movies Crowe is in, but I've rarely felt his performance was a problem in the movie (except maybe the singing in Les Miserables).

I watch this every year since I first saw it and they eye still gets me. Normally, that stuff kind of gets less effective with repeat viewings but the eye definitely does not.

Yeah, I went into the movie expecting to kind of hate it because I've really disliked the over-analyzing of The Shining specifically. By presenting all the theories equally despite contradicting each other completely, it makes it about how these theories come into place.

The only logical explanation for the Taft thing is that maybe Burns was sleeping with Nellie first and then his mother started sleeping with Taft. So, that could be pretty awkward.

There is. Do an image search for "Kanye the type of"

Comic Sans is a perfectly fine font if you are using it to mimic a comic. Nearly any other use is probably not a good idea.

The best thing about season 4 is that all the people who said the show was going downhill during the perfectly fine season 3 suddenly stopped complaining about season 3.

If you want Donovan really rocking, check out this sweet jam.

Absolutely true. If you get millions of people together, you're going to have a bunch of people with awful opinions. You're going to have well educated people with great opinions. All the extremes will be there.

As someone who visits reddit regularly, I'd say it deserves its reputation.