
I just really want to say that Rocky Balboa is wonderful. Not perfect but it does work so well. I'd definitely put it as the best sequel in the franchise.

Absolutely. Kanye's desire for privacy is logical and I sympathize to a point (you have to give up some to get the benefits of wealth and fame). As soon as he compares it to the civil rights movement for racial equality, it shows he really doesn't understand at least one of the sides very well.

Paul was definitely much more experimental than common belief indicates. Things like Tomorrow Never Knows sound as cool as they do because of what Paul brought to them. But sound collages that Paul has done are typically a real chore to listen to. So, I've always had the feeling that Carnival Of Light would have

Carnival Of Light is one of those things that is probably much better left unheard. If it got released in any form, I'd get it and happily pay for it. But I know it just wouldn't be any good. It's just going to be some cacophonous garbage that felt in the moment and avant-garde in 1966, but sounds painfully boring

For Indiana (specifically Indianapolis area), I get pretty excited any time Kurt Vonnegut mentions Indianapolis in a book even when it's not something positive. It seems weird to me that, relative to its size and population, Indianapolis gets no real mention in pop culture. So, anything makes me kind of happy.

Probably because this came out in 1994 when most people didn't even have a computer let alone photoshop skills.

If anyone wants me, I'll be in my room.

Let's not skip over the Gene Dietch cartoons which were so unsettling that they deserve some appreciation.

No, Community needs to stay dead.

Asa Hoosier, the writers of Parks And Recreation need to know that people in Indiana don't really care about Bobby Knight anymore. Not that they reference him a lot but it felt dated in the series premier.

Chris Elliott had better be added to the cast at least as a part timer. You can't tease that in the season finale (especially not a season this like this) and not follow through.

Maybe Clean As They Wanna Be threw off the numbers, but I think it's weird 2 Live Crew isn't on the list.

They had to be asleep when crossing the time rip back into present day. So, they flew back east and lowered the oxygen levels to make everyone unconscious. I don't remember how but somehow they wake up, land the plane at an empty airport. They determine that they flew briefly into the future and slowly the world

No, the second one is so much better than the terrible first FF. It might have been from diminished expectations of having seen the first one, but I legit enjoyed Rise of The Silver Surfer for what it was. At the very least, Silver Surfer was decent.

I can't imagine religious groups liking it from the first five minutes.

I like 33 & 1/3 a lot. I can't see someone new to George Harrison falling hard for it though which is why I didn't name it. I also didn't name his self titled album for the same reasons even though I might even put it in my top three Harrison albums.

Wings were the band The Beatles could have been.

Harrison being my favorite Beatle makes me a bit biased but I'd say he has a few albums that any fan of the Beatles solo should be able to appreciate.

I'll look forward to the final episode. I don't mean that in a disparaging "it's finally over!!!!" way.

I also think that her response of "If you made as little as I do, you'd say you were poor" is pretty biting as well.