
I've spent a emough time in both Austin and Madison to get a decent feel for both. I'd rather be hot in an Austin summer than shoveling snow in a Madison winter. But I'd much rather drive anywhere in the Midwest than anywhere in Texas.

I worked in a theater when this came out. We accidentally put this trailer twice in a movie and it ran that way at least once. I removed it after we found out but I was reluctant to do so. I really like the idea of people saying the just saw the trailerfor Deja Vu.

I found the original version of the Garfield And Friends theme song to be much more enjoyable. I was very shocked when, one Saturday morning, they changed it to the inferior spaghetti song.

I seem to remember their off key caterwauling on the old Sullivan show. What was Ed thinking?

I believe the poster is referring to how both Peanuts and Garfield are heavily marketed not the artistic value of the comics themselves.

I wouldn't care about seeing Cyprus Hill but Smashing Pumpkins and Sonic Youth in the mid 1990s would have been pretty sweet.

Harry Dean Stanton might be my favorite actor.  I don't go out of my way to see his films though I've seen a lot of the titles listed here.  I just know that he's the only actors that I will mark out for if he shows up in a movie where I wasn't expecting him.

I am saving all my "celebrity yell at me" moneys for Bob Odenkirk.

20 years ago or more, Bravo was a legitimately good station.  My dad had stacks of foreign movies that he taped off of Bravo commercial free and unedited.  It's how I watched Kurosawa and Bergman movies for the first time.

As a lifelong Indiana resident, Small Town is the only logical choice.  I think it's attitude reflects the majority of people living in the state particularly lines like "Got nothing against the big town, still hayseed enough to see 'Look who's in the big town.'" There is, in spite of it's praise, still some

Every time I watch Caligari, I always think it would make a wonderful play performed by small children (let's say middle school at the oldest).  With staging and framing still being set up theatrically, it would be pretty easy to adapt and the idea of children doing this content makes me laugh.

You might be the only other one here who likes Christopher.  I wouldn't ship Lorelai/Christopher like I do Luke/Lorelai but I do like Christopher as a character.

Logan is just awful.  It's really saying something when you are the worst of Rory's boyfriends.  I seem to recall him getting slightly more tolerable during the final two seasons but that might just be due to everything else getting that much worse.

Were there ever plans to really make Tiny House?  It really walked the line between going to far and going just far enough to get me really interested.

It never even occurred to me that she told him at all.  I always assumed she just up and left leaving others in town to tell him when he shows up asking "Hey, have you seen Lorelai?"

Out of curiosity, do you really enjoy season 4 and later to the earlier seasons?  I'm not necessarily judging you but you'd be the only person I've ever heard of that felt that way.

I'm sorry, but I'm all for more Taylor over less Taylor.  He's completely insufferable but that's part of the appeal.

I would argue that Michael Jackson's "inappropriate relationships with kids" counts as abuse.

The finale for season 3 is easily the best for me.

Bob's slight pause before "here" is great.  You know he would laugh and encourage her if she had said that at home.