
@avclub-f3165be83d2dd835403b494eb7185ce2:disqus Lenovo bought IBM, sure, but Thinkpads are still pretty much what you remember from IBM's heyday— infinitely customizable and fucking indestructable.

This is especially disappointing because Meek is one of the only major-label rappers who can still freestyle off the top. Youtube it— he's really impressive. That said, I wasn't really into the beats on the Dreamchasers tapes.

This is especially disappointing because Meek is one of the only major-label rappers who can still freestyle off the top. Youtube it— he's really impressive. That said, I wasn't really into the beats on the Dreamchasers tapes.

@avclub-85ffb08f91a83b6566467b942828a560:disqus I mean, if you're looking for smooth jams, trapmusic isn't the way to go. It's some ostentatious, aggressive shit.

People just don't like street rap unless it apologizes for itself with a million syllables. That's why everyone likes Wu-Tang, but if it gets even slightly less dense, like A$AP, it's total shit, apparently.

Also, "hipster-friendly" is synonymous with "contemporary culture" and, apparently, "good".

Also, "hipster-friendly" is synonymous with "contemporary culture" and, apparently, "good".

Somebody remix "Baby" and "Dance (A$$)" right now.

Somebody remix "Baby" and "Dance (A$$)" right now.

Your move, Game of Thrones.

Your move, Game of Thrones.

A catlike smile overcame the police-man's face when he found the leaf. He proclaimed, "things are as they should be" before lowering his head and contemplating his solemn duty, and how it will remain unsullied by this simple act.

A catlike smile overcame the police-man's face when he found the leaf. He proclaimed, "things are as they should be" before lowering his head and contemplating his solemn duty, and how it will remain unsullied by this simple act.

He keeps wearing that same outfit. Not that I'm complaining.

He keeps wearing that same outfit. Not that I'm complaining.

How much to immortalize a beach ball in bronze?

How much to immortalize a beach ball in bronze?

Seriously, the Man Show made me want to invert my penis.

Seriously, the Man Show made me want to invert my penis.

Shameless plug for my org: If you live in LA, this is screening at Outfest.