
Shameless plug for my org: If you live in LA, this is screening at Outfest.

Clearly you've never mouthed the lyrics and quietly wept along to a husky, heartfelt song about sex change.

Clearly you've never mouthed the lyrics and quietly wept along to a husky, heartfelt song about sex change.

The book was shit, but it was entertaining, pulpy shit. I kinda… recommend it?

The book was shit, but it was entertaining, pulpy shit. I kinda… recommend it?

Voiced by Christian Bale. A Studio Ghibli production.

Voiced by Christian Bale. A Studio Ghibli production.

I fucking loved Splinter Cell. But it was a cerebral, methodical, almost anti-cinematic game. Maybe they'll follow in the footsteps of the novels and add way more unrealistic violence.

I fucking loved Splinter Cell. But it was a cerebral, methodical, almost anti-cinematic game. Maybe they'll follow in the footsteps of the novels and add way more unrealistic violence.

No… no… NO!

No… no… NO!

Why not fire up the ol' gramophone right now?

Why not fire up the ol' gramophone right now?

Agreed. I pretty much just start by playing "The Big Ship".

Agreed. I pretty much just start by playing "The Big Ship".

Sorry, I can't hear your reasoned critique over the BRIIICK SQUAAAAAAADDDS

Sorry, I can't hear your reasoned critique over the BRIIICK SQUAAAAAAADDDS

Ah. I thought it was a weird animal collective thing. Like "huzzzzzz," or something.

Ah. I thought it was a weird animal collective thing. Like "huzzzzzz," or something.

How do you pronounce Hz?